I think that all of us women who have been mothers think that the most incredible thing we have ever done is to have created a life. However, that “everything” has small parts that not all of us can agree on, such as being pregnant , giving birth or breastfeeding . Although giving birth is one of the acts that usually generate more mixed feelings, the truth is that there are women who literally love to live this experience, such as Gal Gadot, who has stated in a recent interview that she gave to InStyle , that she loves give birth, and if she could, she would do it once a week.

“I love giving birth. I would do it once a week if I could… it’s so magical! And I always take an epidural , so it’s not that painful. The moment you feel like you’re creating life, it’s unbelievable. Pregnancies are hard for me though, I feel sick and get migraines. I’m just not in my element.”

Is it possible to enjoy childbirth?

Clearly the concept we have of anything depends on the experience we have with it . You cannot compare a birth that has been triggered naturally , that has been respected and that has not been instrumented, to one in which it has : these are factors that can become an obstacle to reaching high levels of hormones that generate ecstasy , such as oxytocin and beta-endorphins, which have properties similar to opiate drugs.

Although it is a complex mechanism, it is very effective in enabling the human body to adapt to a situation as extreme as giving birth, even a posteriori . For this reason, in theory, the less intervened the childbirth is, the easier it is for us to remember it as a positive experience.