The human body is a machine
The human body is an incredible machine. It is made up of many parts that have different functions, but work together to allow us to do the things we do every day like breathing, eating, sleeping, and playing with our friends. Let’s explore the main parts of the body together!
Our body is divided into three main parts: the head, the trunk, and the upper and lower extremities.
The head is made up of the skull and the face. The skull is partially covered with hair and protects our brain from bumps or falls. In our face or face, we find the forehead, eyes and eyebrows, as well as the nose, cheeks, mouth and chin. The ears are located on each side of the face.
Did you know that our face houses the sense organs? On the face you find the eyes (sight or vision), ears (hearing or hearing), tongue (taste), nose (smell). The skin, the organ responsible for touch, covers our face and body.
The trunk unites all the main parts of the body. In it we find the neck, chest, back, abdomen and waist. The trunk houses many of the vital organs; the heart, which is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body, the lungs responsible for breathing and the stomach, which is responsible for nutrition.
The upper extremities are attached to the trunk by the shoulder and are formed by the arm, forearm and hand, thanks to these we can hold or grab things, as well as write and draw. The lower limbs are the legs and are attached to the trunk at the hip, they consist of thigh, calf and foot. The lower extremities support the weight of our body and allow us to walk, jump and run.
Vital organs are the parts of our body that we need to keep us alive. These are found in spaces in our bodies called cavities. The most important are the heart, brain, lungs, kidneys, liver, and pancreas.
The systems or apparatus of our body
The body uses different systems to function, some of these are:
– Circulatory system: responsible for the movement of blood.
– Digestive system: responsible for converting food into nutrients and waste through our stomach and intestines.
– Locomotor system: it is composed of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones and joints and associated tissues that allow the movement of the body
– Skeletal system: consists of 206 bones, which allow the movement of our body and protect vital organs, such as the brain, heart and lungs.
– Muscular system: it is a set of more than 650 muscles. It is responsible for voluntary movements such as walking or running, as well as involuntary movements of the body. Involuntary movements are those that you cannot control, such as your heartbeat or breathing.
– Nervous system: it is the communication center of the body. Through it, the brain sends and receives messages that alert us to pain, danger or hunger.
Did you know . . . ?
✔ The skin is the bigger organ of the body. This protects us from bacteria and viruses. Through the skin we regulate our temperature and eliminate toxins by sweating. The skin together with the nails and hair make up the integumentary system.
✔ The heart is the muscle that works the hardest. It beats approximately 80 times per minute, which is equivalent to 4,800 beats per hour for a total of 115,200 times per day.
✔ The femur or thigh bone is the strongest, longest and bulkiest bone in our body.
✔ Like the lungs, the kidneys are vital organs that we find in pairs, but we can survive with only one of them