peerless insects
Have you ever seen a grasshopper up close? Like all insects, the grasshopper has two antennae, its body is divided into three parts (head, thorax and abdomen) and it has six legs. The two hind legs are long and strong allowing them to jump or catapult 20 times the length of their own body. If we humans had that ability, we could jump over a tree!
Because grasshoppers are so good at jumping, many people are surprised to learn that they can also fly. In fact, grasshoppers have quite strong wings that make it easy for them to travel long distances in search of food or a mate.
Fun facts
- Some species of grasshoppers produce sounds by rubbing their wings against their legs or by flapping their wings.
- Grasshoppers grow to around 5 cm, with some growing as large as 12.7 cm. The females are generally larger than the males.
- Locusts are species of grasshoppers, they form huge swarms capable of destroying crops since each grasshopper can eat half its weight per day.
- There are around 11,000 known species of grasshopper found throughout the world, often inhabiting grassy fields, grasslands, and forest areas.
- Grasshoppers feed mainly on grasses, leaves and cereal crops. However, some species also eat feces and other insects.
- The grasshopper life cycle consists of 3 stages: egg, nymph and adult. The female lays her eggs in the fall and they will hatch in the spring. The nymphs are similar to an adult grasshopper, but without wings. Before becoming an adult and developing wings, the grasshopper will shed its skin many times.
- The female can lay between 1,000 and 10,000 eggs.
- Unlike humans, grasshoppers do not have ears on the sides of their heads but on their abdomens.
- Grasshoppers are a good source of protein. They are consumed in countries like Mexico, Brazil and China.