Each name is unique and special without a doubt, that is why we have made a compilation where we will tell you the pertinent data and information that you must take into account when choosing a name. We know that there may be several options that you have at this time, and you may still continue to go round and round about which one of them you are finally going to choose. To help you in this arduous task (which is not easy at all), we have summarized each name and this time we are going to explain the meaning of Blanca .
Etymology of the name Blanca:
According to anthroponymic studies, the name Blanca is considered to come from Bianca , the Italian version of the name.. Initially it was a name that was associated with the Marian invocation of Santa María La Blanca, widely known in Italian towns by that name since the elements with which the sculpture had been made had a whiteness that made it stand out, probably built with materials such as marble, alabaster or limestone. Later the image of the virgin continued to be shown with the same whiteness. The name became popular in Spain during the 12th century thanks to Blanca Garcés de Navarra, who was the queen consort for her marriage to Sancho III of Castile during the medieval monarchy. It is possible that the popularity of the name increased in the following years with the appearance of the fictional character from the story “Snow White”, written in the 19th century and with great popularity in Germany and the Kingdom of Prussia.
Alba, Monica or Albina variants are considered due to their semantic similarity. Blanka in German and Czech, Zuriñe in Basque, Blanche or Bianche in French, Branca in Galician, Blanka in Hungarian, Whitney in English, Bianca in Italian, Blanka or Bianka in Polish, Branca or Bianca in Portuguese.
Famous people called Blanca:
Blanca Botto
- Peruvian tennis player : She was born in Lima in 1991. Since she was little she was fond of sports in which she always wanted to compete. At the age of 20, he received the International Tennis Federation Award after participating in the Fed Cup, which is now known as the Billie Jean King Cup. She has won a medal during the South American Games and was champion of the Caserta Challenger in Italy. During the Alphe Aan Der Rijn Challenger in the Netherlands she had a major injury that led her to take a break, however this did not prevent her from continuing her sports career.
Blanca Nieves Fernandez Ochoa
- Spanish skier : she was born in Madrid in 1963. She was interested in sports from a young age and at the age of eleven she attended a boarding school for winter athletes, which her brother had also attended. She is known for being the first woman to win an Olympic medal for Spain, she is the Giant Slalom Champion, she has distinctions such as the Reina Sofía Award for the best Spanish athlete, a Gold Medal and the Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Sports Merit awarded by the Superior Sports Council.
Blanca Wiethuchter
- Bolivian poet, essayist, teacher, and literary critic : born in La Paz in 1947. She is considered one of the most prominent Bolivian writers of the 20th century. He studied Literature at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés and Educational Sciences at the Sorbonne. He later completed a master’s degree in Latin American Literature at the University of Paris. She worked as an editor for several magazines and was director of editorials, as well as co-founder of cultural spaces, university professor and director of the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés.
General characteristics of the most famous people called Blanca:
They are usually cautious, calculating people with a certain tendency to plan; this allows them to be efficient in everything they do and not have delays when it comes to success. They are dreamers, intelligent and insightful. Sometimes they can have a haughty personality and other times they can act shy, it depends on the context and the security they feel at the moment. They are characterized by having a mysterious attitude that fills those around them with uncertainty and therefore can come to seem very attractive to the eyes of others. She is serene, focused and very responsible in everything she does.