The water cycle is a cycle without end
Have you ever wondered where the water comes from when it rains? To answer this interesting question, we must learn about a phenomenon known as the water cycle.
Our planet Earth has recycled water over billions of years. This sounds unbelievable, but it’s true. Those drops of water you see falling through your window are as old as the dinosaurs.
The amount of water on Earth is limited, it circulates between bodies of water as large as the oceans and small as a stream, up to the atmosphere and back to the ground. This endless cycle is what we know as the water cycle.
Phases of the water cycle
The water cycle consists of 4 phases:
Evaporation: the sun heats the water and turns it into steam, changing its state to gas. Trees and plants lose water in much the same way through a process called transpiration.
Condensation: Water vapor rises into the atmosphere and cools by changing its state to liquid to form clouds.
Precipitation: Water collected in clouds falls from the sky as rain, snow, sleet, or hail.
Collection: When water falls as precipitation, it is collected by the ocean, lakes, and rivers. It is also absorbed by the earth to be stored in underground deposits. Then, it evaporates again and the cycle continues.
Water is a limited resource, take care of it!
Water is necessary for our lives, as well as for animals and plants. Don’t waste it!
You can contribute to its preservation by turning off the tap while you brush your teeth, lather your hands or take shorter showers. Never throw garbage into the ocean, rivers or streams. Remember, water belongs to everyone.
Did you know . . . ?
✔ Glacier water can be millions of years old. This is the purest water on Earth.
✔ The largest reserve of water is found in the oceans. This water is not for human consumption as it is salty.
✔ Contaminated water causes many diseases.
✔ Dark clouds contain much more water than white clouds.