Diapering is an important milestone in child development. Not only does it provide greater comfort for parents, but it also represents an essential step on the path to independence for the child. Once the little one is able to control his sphincters, he will be prepared to take on new challenges, while he will feel more sure of himself. However, what may seem like a simple task could turn into a real headache if you don’t prepare your little one for that moment. For this reason, we propose some tips so that you can remove your child’s diaper without trauma.
Tips for removing a child’s diaper
1. Involve him in the process
Involving the child in the process of removing the diaper is a simple and effective way to teach him to control his sphincters and, in addition, instill a sense of responsibility. To achieve this, explain the importance of leaving the diaper and give him small tasks that allow him to feel that he has an active role, such as letting you know when he feels the need to go to the bathroom or changing his panties or briefs if he soils them. In this way the little one will feel responsible for her progress and will try harder to achieve good results.
2. Motivate the child
If the little one assumes the process of leaving the diaper as something natural, you will have a point in your favor. Therefore, it is important that you do not impose the change on him but that you motivate him to achieve it. You can use positive encouragement, such as buying him new panties or briefs to encourage him to wear them and keep them dry, or giving him a potty chair that becomes his “personal bathroom.” In this way, the child will have an additional incentive to keep going.
3. Buy a flashy potty
A very effective trick to familiarize your child with the potty is to choose a model that has an intense color and an original shape. You can bet on a potty that has your favorite cartoon or a more classic one with bright colors. The idea is that the little one is attracted to the potty and is motivated to approach it and even play with it. In fact, you can place the potty in a place that is easily accessible to the child, such as the living room or her bedroom, so that he gets used to seeing it. Once your little one is familiar with the potty, it will be easier for you to teach him.
4. Praise their achievements
Acknowledging the small advances of the child is a very effective strategy to motivate him to continue striving. In addition, it helps you feel more self-confident, while at the same time it becomes a stimulus to set new long-term goals. Every time he manages to tell you on time and pees in the potty you can congratulate him by saying, “Okay, you’re getting a big boy now . ” And when he accomplishes bigger steps, like going from diapers to training pants, you can reward him by making him his favorite treat or taking him for a walk to celebrate his achievement.
5. Turn stories into your allies
Most children love children’s stories, even more so when their parents read them to them. So you can use this opportunity to tell stories about other children who are out of diapers . Although the little one has not fully developed his understanding capacity, he will get the message and will surely be encouraged to imitate the protagonist of the story. There are many stories that you can choose from such as: Who has seen my potty?, by Mij Kelly, the Book of Little Asses and I can look at your diaper, by Guido van Genechten, or Un pee, by Lemaitre Moëlle i Pascual.