It is not easy to get your children to listen to you and sometimes it is mission impossible for them to listen to your orders. Don’t worry, all moms and dads go through that at some point in their upbringing. Children have other priorities in their lives (such as playing or exploring the environment) and that is why sometimes it may seem that they do not listen to you.
But it’s not that they don’t listen to you, it’s that you have to do it right. Maybe you pay attention to them, you get down to their level to talk to them (you crouch down and look them in the eye), you talk to them with affection… And they still don’t pay attention to you, so what should you do? Many parents lose their cool and that’s when they scream and lose their temper thinking that this way their children will learn to listen to them, but that’s not always the case… far from it.
Next we are going to give you some advice so that your children respect your orders, respect you and know that when you say something they should listen to you. But remember first of all, that if you want them to respect you, you must respect them first!
Stay calm
When we get angry, children feel insecure and scared, whenthis happens they will stand up to you or run away from the situation. In their effort to defend or protect himself, he will not listen to you at all because he will feel like a threat. He won’t listen to your message because he doesn’t want to know anything about someone who treats him badly, it’s that simple!
If, for example, you want your children to get in the car, don’t repeat it a thousand times , this will only make you angrier. Take a deep breath and help your children find their shoe or pack their suitcase, for example. Once he’s in the car, ask him to think of ways to get out of the house on time the next time.
Keep routines going
When things are expected they are easier to do. Most of the communication of parents with children consists of scolding. No wonder kids don’t listen. The more routines they have, the less drill sergeant you have to do.
What kind of routines? Habits, such as what children do before leaving home; brush your teeth, use the bathroom, prepare your backpack, put on your shoes, etc. If you have small children, a good idea is to take photos of them doing these things and put them on a small poster so they know what and when. This way you can ask questions like: “What do you have to do just before you leave home? Let’s see your schedule”.
Listen to your child
If you are looking at the screen of your mobile while your child is telling you something important to him, what do you expect him to do with you when you want to talk to him in the future? You will be modeling an inappropriate form of communication with the family. If you really want your child to listen to you in the future, it is now that you have to stop what you are doing and listen carefully. It’s only a few minutes a day, and it’s really worth it!
He Start doing this when your child is young and keep doing this when your child is a teenager. We assure you that over time you will appreciate having done it.
Understand what he means so he understands what you mean
Most of the time, when Kids don’t “listen,” they just haven’t tuned in to you. But if your child seems unable to process your instructions repeatedly, he may have auditory processing disorder. In this case, you will need to take your child to the pediatrician for any necessary tests.
Reduce your instructions to what is non-negotiable
If you worked for someone who constantly pestering you with orders, would you like to cooperate? You don’t want every interaction with your child to be just commands. So maximize interactions with love and affection and minimize commands to only what is necessary.