Be very careful with your children... There are monsters disguised as people

No. Not everyone is a good person and not everyone will want what is good for you and your family. The world is very big and there are many people who simply have a dark side in their hearts. Do not leave your children alone even for a second in any place. In this life there are monsters pretending to be people.

Unfortunately, cases of sexual abuse of children are known in society. How many children have been raped and live with these devastating emotions in their hearts? Kids too scared to tell the truth. Although it is impossible to protect children 100% since they cannot be put in a glass bubble, there are some measures that all parents should take into account.

Vulnerability and abuse

The greatest risk to our children comes from friends and family, not strangers. Between 30 and 40 percent of children are abused by family members. Up to 60 percent are abused by people the family trusts, including relatives, coaches, teachers, clerics, and others in positions of authority, power, and influence. Think how difficult it is for children to say “no” to these people, especially if the abuser describes their behavior as “loving” or “affectionate” to confuse the child.

Those who sexually abuse children are attracted to settings where they can easily access them, such as sports leagues, religious youth centers, clubs, and schools. They go to extraordinary lengths to gain the trust of parents and other family members. Imagine, for example, the vulnerability of a single parent’s children when a coach or teacher volunteers to watch them after school or during hours when parents are required to be at work.

Predator warning signs

Beware of adults who pay too much attention to your children, such as repeatedly trying to get into personal situations (for example when they try to spend a lot of time alone with them). Remember, too, that this behavior could be happening online, not just in a face-to-face situation.

Where this gets tricky is with teachers and coaches, who show sincere attention and want to offer personalized advice. It’s hard to tell genuine care from those who prey on children.

Look for changes in behavior, mood, mood, attitude and school performance in your child. Abusers scare their victims by telling them that they (the victim) let it happen and their parents would be mad, so it’s better to “don’t tell”. Worse yet, some abusers threaten to harm family members if the child tells them…

child abuse care


First, a coach never must be in a locker room with only one athlete. Other players or coaches must be present. This not only applies to coaches of the same sex as the athlete, but obviously also in situations where the coach and athlete are of the opposite sex.

Secondly For younger players in particular, a parent must be present at all practices. This is important not only to mitigate the potential for sexual abuse, but also to mitigate the verbal abuse that often occurs between coaches and athletes. Coaches are often irritated by the presence of parents because they don’t want parental interference in their coaching style. If he insists that you not be present, remove your child from being with that coach or team.

If you have no evidence of abuse, but you are concerned about your child’s behavior or mood changing, it is best to steer in the right direction by removing your child from the coach, team , club or situation.

If your child shows any of the above warning signs, try talking to him about what’s bothering him. Abused children often feel more comfortable discussing their fears with a trusted adult, fearful that their parents will be angry or embarrassed by them. So have a relative or close friend talk to your child in confidence if you suspect anything. Don’t be disappointed if your child doesn’t want to talk about what happened to him, it’s normal.

When he starts talking about what happened, make sure he expresses his fears . Avoid saying things that make him feel uncomfortable. It may take several conversations before your child can give you all the details. Don’t judge your child. Just be empathetic and if necessary seek professional help for the child. Child psychologists are experts in helping mistreated or abused children deal with their fears and traumas.

As parents, we try to teach our children to watch for traffic before crossing , always wear your seat belt and close the doors when you are home alone. It’s time to extend that vigilance to frank conversations about what behaviors of the adults they interact with are appropriate and what behaviors are not. Tell your children to come to you when they are confused or concerned about any adult’s interactions with them… Because there are adults who pretend to be people when they are actually horrible monsters.

The main image is from the movie ‘It’.