african girl names

“A” represents the Head. If your name starts with “A” then it is considered that you show a strong interest in life in general and possess an independent nature. It shows Determination, Enterprise, and Courage. When three or more A’s appear in the name, this can tip the scales toward selfishness.

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Here on this page, we have compiled popular African Baby Girl Names Starting With A, Choose the best name for your newborn from the following list of most famous African Baby Girl Names Start With A. You might be interested in more baby names on our site.



153 Cute African Baby Girl Names Starting With A

Aba Born on Thursday
Aba born on Thursday
Ababuo A child that keeps coming back
Ababuo A child that keeps coming back
Abagbe We begged to have this one to lift up
Abagbe We begged to have this one to lift up
Abam second child after twins
Abam Second child after twins
Abam Second child after twins
Abayomi brings happiness
Abayomi She brings joy
Abayomi She brings joy
Abebe Asked for (Nigerian).
Abebi We asked for her
Abebi Asked for (Nigerian).
Abeje We asked to have this child
Abeje We asked to have this child
Abeke We asked for her to pet her.
Abeke We asked for her to pet her.
Abena Born on Tuesday
Abeni We asked for her
Abeni Girl prayed for
Abeo Her birth brings happiness
Abeo Her birth brings happiness
Abia friend, small as a bird
Abiba child born after grandmother died
Abidemi born when father’s away
Abidemi Born during the father’s absence
Abikanile Listen
Abikanile Listen
Abimbola born to be wealthy
Abimbola Born to be wealthy
Abimbola Born to be wealthy
Abiona Born on a journey
Abiona Born on a journey
Ada First daughter. (Nigerian).
Adah First daughter. (Nigerian).
Adamma Child of beauty
Adamma Child of beauty
Adanna father’s daughter
Adanna Her father’s daughter. (Nigerian).
Adanne mother’s daughter
Adanya Her father’s daughter. (Nigerian).
Adaoma good lady
Adebola Honor is hers
Adebola Honor is hers
Adedagbo Happiness is a crown
Adedagbo Happiness is a crown
Adeleka Crown brings happiness
Adeleka Crown brings happiness
Adeleke the crown brings happiness
Adelola Crown brings honor
Adelola Crown brings honor
Adeola the crown brings honor
Adesimbo Noble birth
Adesimbo Noble birth
Adesina This child opens the way
Adesina This child opens the way
Adhama glory
Adia a gift from God
Adia Present of God
Adia Present of God
Adowa Born on Tuesday
Adowa Born on Tuesday
Aduke Beloved, cherished
Aduke Beloved, cherished
Afafa first child of second husband
Afafa The first child of the second husband
Afafa The first child of the second husband
Afafa The first child of the second husband
Afiya Health
Afiya health
Afiya Health
Afryea Born during happy times
Afryea Born during happy times
Afua Born on Friday
Afua Born on Friday
Aina Difficult birth
Aisha Life
Aisha Life
Aissa grateful
Aiyetoro peace on earth
Aiyetoro Peace on earth
Aiyetoro Peace on earth
Akanke To know her is to love her
Akilah Intelligent
Akilah Intelligent
Akili Bright. Smart. (Tanzanian).
Akosua Born on Sunday
Akua Born on Wednesday
Akua Born on Wednesday
Akwete First born of twins
Akwete First born of twins
Akwokwo Younger of twins
Akwokwo Younger of twins
Alaba second child after twins
Alaba Second child born after twins
Alaba Second child born after twins
Alake she is to be fussed over
Alake One to be petted and fussed over
Alake One to be petted and fussed over
Alika Most beautiful. (Nigerian).
Alile She weeps
Alile She weeps
Aluna Come here
Aluna Come here
Ama Born on Saturday
Ama Saturday’s child. (Ghanese).
Amadi Rejoicing
Amadi Rejoicing. (Nigerian).
Amadia lightning-spirit
Amana to believe
Amaziah a place to rest
Ameena Trustworthy. (Swahili).
Ameenah Trustworthy. (Swahili).
Ami Saturday’s child. (Ghanese).
Aminah Trustworthy
Aminah Trustworthy. (Swahili).
Amineh Trustworthy. (Swahili).
Andaiye my daughter comes home
Anella content, satisfied
Anillang stable altar, decisive
Ara mistress of the sky
Aretta charming, enchanting
Arusi born during a wedding
Asabi She is of choice birth
Asabi She is of choice birth
Asha To live
Asha To live
Ashia Hope. Mythology: the wife of a Hindu demigod. (Somali).
Ashura born during month of Ashur
Asya Born during a time of grief
Asya Born during a time of grief
Atiena guardian of the night
Ayelen joy
Ayiqueo soft-spoken, pleasant
Ayme significant
Ayobami I am blessed with you
Ayobami I am blessed with you
Ayobunmi Joy is given to me
Ayobunmi Joy is given to me
Ayodele Joy comes home
Ayodele Joy comes home
Ayofemi Joy likes me
Ayofemi Joy likes me
Ayoluwa Joy of the people
Ayoluwa Joy of the people
Ayoola Joy is wealth
Ayoola Joy is wealth
Aziza Precious. (Swahili).
Aziza precious one
Aziza Precious
Azubah born on Monday