Do you need help finding a girl’s name with the letter G? Choosing the name of your daughter is a unique experience, however, deciding on the most beautiful can be a difficult decision. If you are not sure what name you are going to give your baby or you need inspiration, in this series of articles on girl’s names with each letter of the alphabet, we offer you many ideas. If you are looking for a classic girl’s name, like Georigina, or you fancy a more original name, like Ginette or Gliceria, in this baby names article, you will find girl name with G, along with the meaning and origin.
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It is the gentile of the name Gabii, which is a town in Lazio, located between Rome and the town of Preneste. Its meaning is then “the one belonging to Gabii”. It is one of the most popular Sardinian names.
The female name Gabriela is usually translated as “she who has the strength and power of God” or “she who has divine strength”, especially due to her relationship with the archangel Gabriel.
The female name Gadea is equivalent to the Spanish name Águeda, a popular form of Ágata, whose origin is from the Greek ‘agathe’ which means ‘good and virtuous person’. The Church of Santa Gadea is located in the Spanish city of Burgos.
He has a great imagination and shows an enormous ability to understand other people’s problems. She is very social, she is always surrounded by friends and confidants. Wikipedia having most famous baby name list.
It is the abbreviated form of Abigail’s name, it means “Father” and “joy”, that is; father’s joy. It symbolizes tranquility, satisfaction, it could even be interpreted as “my father’s joy”, the sense of gratitude that comes from a second person is important.
Gala is a name of Latin origin that derives from the words “Galla or Gallus”. This particular name has several meanings, which depend on different geographical areas. Among them is the dice in Galicia that is…
It is a name derived from the gala term, genitive of gálaktos, which means “milk”, and the ending -eia, which is adjective. Therefore it would be “white as milk”, it was a nickname that was used for those born with extremely white skin.
It is the female variation of the patronymic Galile, widely used in Israel. It is one of the names that has been commonly used to replace that of Jesus, it also happens with the name of Salvador.
It is a name of Germanic origin formed by the words gamal, “old”, and berth, “brightness, radiance, gold”. It would be the man who is illustrious because of his old age, the one who is wise because of his experience and maturity.
Gara is a Canarian name, it was the name of a La Gomera girl in love with Jonay who was the son of the king of Adeje (Tenerife). Every year the nobles from Tenerife were invited to parties in La Gomera, so the mensey from Adeje arrived accompanied by his son Jonay.
Its Germanic origin means that its meaning is ¿fenced¿, which in turn derives from the Indo-European root gher, which means ¿grab, enclose¿.
It is a name made up of the words warin, ¿protection, shelter¿, and berht, ¿brightness, radiance¿. In a general interpretation, it would be the one that brilliantly provides shelter and protection, the one that offers security.
Like many of the names of Germanic origin, it begins with the word gari, ¿lance¿, which defines the warrior spirit of the ancient German people and the extreme value of honor. The second voice by which it is formed is berth, ¿luminous, resplendent¿.
It is one of the hypocoristic names that begin with the Germanic word gast, which means ¿foreigner, outsider¿, it is the one who does not belong to the town in which he lives. Metaphorically, it is the man who has a self-sufficient universe of his own.
This is the English hypocoristic of Gertrude, in its old form. The modern form of this name would be Gertie. Gertrude is formed from the Germanic words ger, “spear”, and trut, “faithful, valuable”. It is the faithful spear, the one that offers continuous and valuable protection.
It comes from the verb gaudeo, ¿rejoice, get excited by the good news, be happy¿. It is therefore the one who is happy, the one who is cheerful and lively. Its meaning is the same as names such as Felix, Jocundo and Joys.
Gausberta comes from the union of the Germanic words ganz, ¿godo¿, and berth, ¿brilliance¿, it is the ¿glow of the godo¿. One of its variants with the same meaning is found in the given name Joffre.
In a literal translation, it means ¿the smiling one¿, the one who makes people laugh. But its metaphorical meaning is acquired through mythology, Gelasius is the god of laughter and joy. It is the person whose mood is always positive, lively and happy.
Gelmiro comes from the union of the two words geila or gail, ¿lance, arrow¿, and mir or mers. illustrious. He is the illustrious man because of his spear, the person with the virtuous spear, the warrior with the good sword.
Gema means “precious stone”.
It’s the twin, twin, double. One of its most common variants is Gemelo, but it is less used as a first name. Its Indo-European root iem- translates as “join, couple”. Geminus was one of Janus’ nicknames, since he was endowed with two faces.
It is one of the graphic variants of Jenara. Thanks to its Latin origin, it means “January”. The first month of the year, the beginning, the new opening full of wishes. In the saints there appears a Spanish religious from the 4th century, whose story tells that he was a martyr in Córdoba.
In the same case as the proper name of Genadio, its main meaning is that of “noble by birth, by condition”, it is the magnanimous, the generous and noble person. The same meaning is carried by names such as Gentle and Benign.
The female name Genesis refers to the Bible and means “origin” or “the beginning of everything”. Therefore, it is a name that refers to creation.
It is one of the names with the most beautiful meaning, it means “white wave”, that is, white like waves, like foam. Formerly many of the personal names were related to the physical characteristics of children.
It is the feminine of Jorge, it comes from ancient Greek and means “work of the land”, from the same term comes the word agriculture. It is one of the names related to nature, the earth, the fruits.
It is the feminine of Jorge, it comes from ancient Greek and means “work of the land”, from the same term comes the word agriculture. It is one of the names related to nature, the earth, the fruits.
Geraldina is Geraldo’s feminine given name. It comes from the Germanic gerald, from the union of the words ger, “spear, sword”, and (w)ald, “government, chief, command”. In its literal translation it would be “the government of the spear”, that is, the person who has power through the fight.
Gerberga has not undergone graphic variations with respect to its original form. Formed by two voices; ger, which means “lance”, and berg, “protection, protection” (in current German there is the evolution to bergen, “to preserve, hide).
It is one of the most common names of Germanic origin and its meaning coincides with many others. It means “the shine of the spear”, a very common concept among the ancient Germanic peoples.
Gerda is the name of a Scandinavian goddess, the wife of the god of fertility, Freyr. For this reason she welcomes an extended meaning of love, passion, fertility, production.
It is one of the graphic variants of Germán. It is an ethnic name that may derive from the Germanic gari-man, “the spearman, the man with the spear.” But this translation has been questioned because the Romans initially called the Celtic tribes of Gaul Germani.
It comes from the union of the words ger, “lance”, and nands, “bold”. He is the adaz man thanks to his lance, the illustrious and combative warrior, the daring with the lance. It is very common in names of Germanic origin to use terms of a warrior nature to designate people.
Gertrude is formed from the Germanic words ger, “spear”, and trut, “faithful, valuable”. It is the faithful spear, the one that offers continuous and valuable protection. One of its variants is Gertrude. Saint Gertrude was a 14th-century German mystical writer, nicknamed La Magna.
It comes from the union of the terms gisl, “lance”, and berth, “brightness”. It is that person who stands out for “the glow of the spear”, the same meaning as Gerberto.
Gilda is the Italian diminutive of Hermenegilda. From its Gothic origin, the meaning of “the value of cattle” or “the one that is worth its cattle”, that is, for its properties, is extracted.
It is the Italian diminutive of Luigino, Luigina, that is, of Luis. It means “the glorious combat”, the one who is illustrious in war, the famous in battle. It is closely related to the concept of fame, glory, celebrity.
Geneva is a variant of Genoveva. It is one of the names with a more beautiful meaning, it means “white wave”, that is, white like waves, like foam, this is the Celtic meaning of the word. In Spanish the meaning l…
It is the French hypocoristic of Geneviéve, that is, Genoveva. It is one of the names with the most beautiful meaning, it means “white wave”, that is, white like waves, like foam.
It is one of the Italian variants of Jucundo. Iucundus is “he who gives pleasure”, “he who cheers, who gives sensitive pleasure”. In general sense he is nice person, very sensitive.
Giovanna is an Italian name of Hebrew origin, since Giovanna (feminine form of the name Giovanni) comes from the name Yôḥānān. Yôḥānān, diminutive of the word Yəhôḥānān, in turn means “God is merciful” or “God has…
The meaning of the name Gisela is “strong as an arrow” and is closely related to her personality.
The meaning of the name Giselle is “mighty arrow”, “she of the strong arrow”, “mighty as an arrow”, “certain as an arrow” and “strong as an arrow”.
The name Giuliana means “young”.
Gladys has been used in Wales since the 7th century, possibly derived from the Latin Claudia, which is the important name of a Roman gens, which later became a widely used sobriquet.
Gláfira is a name used very punctually but with a beautiful meaning and a funny sound. She means “the woman with smooth, soft, beautiful, splendid skin.” In a general interpretation she is the one who is graceful, elegant, polished.
It is one of the Irish toponyms used as a given name in Anglo-Saxon countries and in Latin America, in the latter case due to American influence. Its origin is found in the Gaelic gleann, “narrow valley with a large number of trees”, “passage between the hills”.
Gliceria is in ancient Greek the synonym of “sweet”. It is the kind and soft person, the one who shows off and obtains beauty thanks to his sweetness. Glycera were the women loved by Horacio and Tributo.
Gloria exactly means fame, good fame. In the current concept of fame, we would transfer the meaning of the term “good opinion or positive opinion” to the person who bears the name.
Godeliva is usually used as a given name and is formed by the union of the words godo, “God”, and liub, “dear, beloved” (where the German lieb and the English love come from). She is the woman loved by God, the one wanted by the Supreme Being.
It is one of the names that have a religious origin, but that have acquired other meanings derived from their historical evolution. Its literal meaning is “the gift of God”, “the gift of God”.
It means “the protection of God”, “the protection of God”. It is part of the names that begin with the first term godo or gott, relative to God. In the saints we find a San Godofredo de Molincourt, Bishop of Amiens between the XI-XII centuries.
It comes from the union of the two Germanic terms godo, “God”, and win, “friend”. It is literally “the friend of God”. That man who stays by God’s side and offers him all kinds of favors and sacrifices.
Its literal translation is “the one belonging to the gorgons”, which were monsters characterized by having snakes instead of hair. Its initial origin offers us the meaning of “the one who arouses terror, the one who is scary”.
Its literal translation derived from the Germanic is “the daring in God”, or in a freer interpretation “the strong in God”. This name is very similar to one of the most well-known alpine passes.
Joys is a mystical name, it means “joy, inner happiness, spiritual vivacity”. Its use as a given name is due to one of the invocations of the Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Joys. This same meaning has names of different origin such as Gaudencio and Felix.
It comes from Gratus, which means “elegant, graceful, pleasant”, but in its conception of a person’s proper name it refers mainly to its religious origin, insofar as the grace offered by God is what makes possible the eternity of the mens.
Graziella is the Italian diminutive of Grazia, that is, Grace. She owes its diffusion as a name thanks to the novel by Lamartine in 1849.
It comes from the Latin adjectival form gratus, “graceful, kind, graceful, virtuous”. He is the nice man, the tasty one.
The meaning of Greece does not have much mystery, the name itself indicates it. The name Greece means that which comes from Greece.
Greta is the Germanic dimunitive of Margarita. The first time this name is known was in an English document from the 13th century. Margarita comes from Latin and means “pearl”, with an original meaning focused on the meaning of “creature of light”.
Gretel is an abbreviated German, Danish, and Norwegian name deriving from the Latin “Daisy” which, in turn, derives from the Greek “μαργαριτης” and ultimately from…
Griselda’s origin is still not very clear. She is made up of the two Germanic words grisja, which means “gray”, and hild, in which there is no doubt and which means “fight, combat”. It could be “the gray battle”, the combat that is still not clear regarding the winner of it.
The meaning of the name Guadalupe is “river of love”.
Guarino is a hypocoristic of those names of Germanic origin whose first element was warin, “protection, protection”. The person who wears it is characterized by the qualities of security towards and with others.
Its origin is not clear, it is believed that it derives from the Germanic gund, “battle”. This name is documented from the third century, in its original formation, that is, with the derivation of the Germanic term gund and the diminutive -ila.
Gudrun is the union of the Germanic words gund, “battle”, and runa, “secret”. In its literal form it is “the secret battle” or “the secret of the battle”.
Gudula is the personification of battle, just like Gudulia. She comes from the Germanic term gund, “battle, fight, combat”, which in Old Saxon was represented as gudea. One of the most common variants of it is Guda, with a softer sound.
Güendolina is one of the names with a more beautiful meaning, it means “the one with the white eyelashes”. This name has been related to girls born with the characteristics of the albino race, with blonde hair and eyelashes.
Guillermina is the feminine of Guillermo. They come from the Germanic vilja, “will, decision”, and helm, “helmet”, “protection”. She is the one to whom her will serves as protection, the one who defends herself through her inner strength and her personal qualities.
Wigmar is the archaic form of Guiomar, which leads one to think that it derives from the Germanic term wig, “battle, fight, fight”, and mar, “famous, well-known”. It is the one famous for the battle, in the fight. This same meaning has names like “Gundomaro, Hadamaro and Hildemaro.
Guivorada is the union of the Germanic voices weib, “woman” in Old High German, and rat, “council”. The literal translation of her is “the woman counselor”, from which meanings are derived such as that woman who is illustrious for her thought, the just one, the one with good advice, the logical and rational one.
Gundelberta is the union of the words gund, “battle, fight”, and lind, berth, “brightness, glow”. It is the brilliance of combat, the one that shines in battle. He has been associated with the man famous for his actions, the bold, the illustrious.
Gundelinde is one of the most traditional Germanic names, made up of the words gund, “fight, combat”, and lind, “shield, protection”. She is the woman who offers shelter and protection to those around her, the one who is bold in the fight thanks to her own caution in difficult times.
Guñ is formed by two voices that are both equivalent to the same definition; “battle”. She is the “fighter” woman, “the fighter”. With the same inverted elements the name of Hildegunda is formed.