Like many other things today, homework is becoming more complex and demanding than when you were a child. Expectations are higher for students and parents have extra challenges in managing their children’s time.
Many parents -every time more – they are against homework so that the children have more free time and, incidentally, to fight with them less when they have to face the responsibility of school tasks. But sometimes,homework is necessary, especially when it’s not finished in class -I’m not referring to adding more homework, but to doing what doesn’t have time in class for whatever reason and it’s necessary to be able to follow a good academic rhythm and, incidentally, reinforce knowledge at home-.
Parents have an obligation for children to realize that they can be independent students and that they are also capable of to do it If you are one of the parents who does their homework for their children, then you should know that you are not doing them a favor… on the contrary. If you do your children’s homework, you will only be increasing their insecurity and feeling of inadequacy, something that will greatly harm their development.
There are some ways to take into account and make the process of doing homework less painful for everyone involved, and yes, we refer to you as a parent too. The more independence you give your child, the more self-confident they can do, and the faster they can do it too (and if they do it faster at school, they probably won’t be taking homework home anymore).
Create a routine
The first and most important thing is to create a routine, your children must have the habit of doing their homework at a certain time, for example, an hour later having come from school. If you don’t have homework then you can take advantage of that time to do things that interest you but that at the same time help you develop like painting or reading.
Children should have a place where you can do your homework without distractions and comfortably, such as a desk or table with a good chair that allows you to have a good posture ture. In addition, if the children want to watch television or go out to the park to play, they can do so, as long as they finish the task first. This is how the message is transmitted to them: ‘first the obligation and then the leisure’.
Be there to supervise (but not to do for them)
Homework allows teachers to identify if children have absorbed what they have learned in class, so they like to see if they make mistakes. Unless you explain to your child what he doesn’t understand and he has really understood it, there are many teachers who prefer that homework not be corrected by parents. Also, homework doesn’t have to be always right, because you learn a lot and very well from mistakes.
You can tell your children that they can ask you up to three questions for each subject or homework and that the rest, he must answer on his own or figure it out on his own. Help him figure out the answer if you need to, but never give him the answer.
Homework is a lesson in organizing time
You should remember that homework is also a lesson. time management lesson, don’t let your child drag homework all afternoon, he’s a child and should have fun too. First graders should do 10 minutes of homework at home, second graders 20 minutes, and so on, increasing by 10 minutes per school year. Homework time does not include the children’s complaint time before starting homework.
Furthermore, it is important to maintain good -regular- communication with the teacher, maintain calm and above all, make children see that they are capable of doing it if they think and pay attention to what is in front of them.