Adolescence is a time of transition in people that can cause certain internal conflicts that are also shown on the outside. It is for all this that it is so important that parents are aware that they will face many changes in mood and behavior during the entire stage of adolescence. Nobody said that it will be easy, but we can warn you that it is necessary for its good integral development.

It is essential that parents face these changes in a healthy way and always with confidence and security both in ourselves and in our adolescent children. Parents are, in the first instance, the reference to be followed by children, even in adolescence, when they show an attitude of distance towards their parents. It is part of development… parents are for them, the experience, wisdom and support they need to overcome the internal conflicts that they will be experiencing… they are their mirror in which to look at themselves.

When they pass adolescence

When your son reaches adolescence, he stops being a child under the absolute protection of his parents and begins to see the real world more closely. This can be scary because your teen just wants to separate from you to form his own identity, but he’s still too immature to get along in society. He wants to be an adult person but he is still a child who is only growing up.

At this stage, adolescents will have to face experiences with risks, dangers… and without sufficient knowledge, conflicts of a certain severity are likely to arise. Therefore, prevention will always be the best way. Parents must be self-critical with themselves to assume responsibility for their actions and thus adolescents learn from this wonderful example. A constructive attitude must be maintained throughout this time.

Some changes that cannot be overlooked

There are some changes that must be taken into account in the stage of adolescence. The most common are the following:

  • Lack of communication. You must first know that your child wants to continue talking to you, he is just experimenting with new forms of communication. When he gets angry he is not with you, he is with himself and he needs you to understand him, even if at first he rejects you.
  • Rebellion against the rules. A teenager who is forming his identity does not want rules that make him feel self-conscious… but at the same time he needs those rules to feel safe and know how to act. It is essential to find the balance between rules and limits, with consequences or rewards.
  • bad manners It’s possible that your kind child has now turned into a teenager who talks meanly or gives you defiant looks. It is essential to maintain a great empathy with all the emotional turmoil that he is feeling. It is also essential to make him see the importance of respect towards himself but also towards any person. Bad manners are never compatible with an emotionally balanced adult. It is not about punishing lightly, but about guiding towards the right path.
  • Bad grades. It is also likely that in the face of all these emotional changes, academic performance is affected in some way. It is essential to be aware that an adolescent who is not happy does not perform well academically. If you drop grades, don’t look at those numbers, look more at how your child is emotionally to find solutions as soon as possible.

As you can see, they are really common problems, but parents should be aware of them in order to find a solution before the problem becomes something really serious. Remember that your teenagers need you to develop and above all, to become a successful person in the future.