Your child’s schedule may be quite busy with after-school activities, but parents need to prioritize so kids aren’t overloaded with things to do. Do not forget that they are children. There is an extracurricular activity that would be a good idea for any boy or girl: music classes. Going to violin or piano classes (for example), has great benefits.
Your child may not be the next Mozart, but music can help him find emotional balance as well as other additional benefits such as practicing good manners, improving math and reading… and all that for improving music and learning everything related to it. Music has many benefits in education and below you can find some of them.
Educational benefits of music classes
1. Improves academic skills
Music and math are very intertwined. By understanding time signature, rhythm, and scales, children are learning to divide, create fractions, and recognize patterns. It seems that the connections of music in a child’s brain help him better understand other areas of mathematics.
As children grow, they begin to recite songs, improving both short-term and long-term memory. Using a mnemonic device will improve other memory skills. For example, plucking the strings of a guitar or violin teaches children about harmonic and sympathetic vibrations. Even non-string instruments like drums and vibraphones give children great opportunities to explore scientific principles.
2. Develops physical skills
There are some instruments such as percussion instruments that help children develop motor skills and also coordination; require movement of hands, arms and feet. This type of instrument is ideal for children with a lot of energy. String and keyboard instruments like the violin and piano require different actions from both the right and left hands simultaneously.It’s like when you pat your head and rub your belly at the same time improves coordination and refinement, something that will do them well for other possible hobbies such as dance and sports.
3. Social skills are improved
Group classes require interaction with other people and also improve communication, as well as encourage teamwork. The children must collaborate to create the music simultaneously, adapting to the beat. It is important for children to know and understand the most individual part of a larger ensemble.Music classes help create a responsible team to create a melody where a teacher guides them throughout the process.Students They all work for a common goal. These types of interactions are necessary in our society, we need society in general to learn to interact as a group and to solve problems peacefully where everyone has a common goal.
4. It encourages discipline and patience
Learning to play an instrument teaches children about delayed gratification. This means that you have to practice and make mistakes -learn from them- before you know how to play an instrument well. Also, for example, before you start playing the violin, you first have to learn how to hold it, how to place your feet and everything else.
Playing an instrument helps children to persevere through hours, months, and even years of practice before they can achieve specific goals, such as memorizing and playing a solo piece. Discipline is worked on in solo practice and patience when the instruments are played together where they must wait their turn to play individually. In addition, while waiting they also learn to show respect, to be still and calm for long periods of time, as well as to be attentive.