We continue to use the alphabet to help you find the name for your baby. Today we have reviewed the names of children with E and we have selected 40 of them, with their origin and meaning.
In Spain, many are of Basque origin. But most come from Hebrew, Celtic or Anglo-Saxon countries.
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1. Ebrulf . Boy’s name of Latin origin. It comes from Eberulfus, a Latinized form of the German Eber-wulf , itself composed of eber- , “wild boar”, and -wulf , “wolf”. It means something like “warrior”.
2. Echo . Latinized Greek boy’s name. It comes from the word echo , which means “noise”, “sound”, “rumor”, “echo”.
3.Edgar . _ Of English origin. It comes from Eadgar, “protector of the community”.
4. Edmund . Of German origin. It comes from hrod-mund , which means “protector of victory”.
5. Edward. Of German origin. It comes from the Germanic hrod , “glorious”, and ward , “guardian”. It means, therefore, something like “glorious guardian”.
6.Edwin . _ It is the English form of Edvino. It means “happy friend” or “friend of happiness”.
7. Ephraim . Of biblical origin, this boy’s name with an E means “God has given me fruit in the land of my affliction.”
8. Ephrem . Of Hebrew origin, it is a boy’s name derived from ephrarahim , which means “very fruitful”.
9. Eladio . Of Greek origin. It means “of Hellas”.
10. Eleazar . Of Greek origin. It means “God has helped”.
11. Eleutherium . Of Greek origin. It means “liberator”, “noble”, “generous”.
12. Elijah . Of Hebrew origin. It is a boy’s name derived from Elia and later Latinized. It comes from eliy yah or eliy yahu , meaning “God is lord” or “Yahweh is my God.”
13. Elicio . Of Latin origin, like many of the names of boys with E that exist. It means “the one who attracts the rays of the sky”. It is the nickname of Jupiter in the Roman language.
14. Eloy . Of Latin origin. It comes from eligius , “chosen”.
15. Emmanuel. It is the Greco-Latin form of the name of Hebrew origin Manuel, which means “God is with us”.
16. Emeritus . Of Latin origin. It means “deserved, earned, finished”.
17. Emiliano . Of Latin origin, it is a boy’s name derived from AEmilus , whose meaning is “emulus”, “rival”, “adversary”.
18. Emile . Of Greek origin. It comes from aimilios , whose meaning is “kind”, “flattering”, “cunning”.
19. Enek . One of the names of boys with E of Basque origin. It comes from en ko , “place situated on a mountain slope”.
20. Henry . Of German origin. Comes fromhaimerich or hiemrick , meaning “powerful house”, “owner of the house” or “chief of the fortress”.
21. Enzo . It is the Italianization of Heinz, a variant of the German name Heinrich (Enrique in Spanish). Heinrich comes from haim , “dwelling”, “house”, “homeland”, and rich , “chief”, “leader”. He means “master of the house” or “lord of the house”.
22. Aeolus . Of Greek origin. It comes from the adjective aiolos , which has several meanings: “moving”, “fast”, “shining”, “multicolored”.
23. Erasmus . Of Greek origin. It comes from erasmios , “kind, gracious.”
24. Erik. Of German origin. It comes from ewaric : “eternal”, “rich”, “mighty”.
25. Ermenegild . Of Germanic origin, like many of the boy names with E that exist. He is made up of Ermin (demigod after whom the tribe of ermiones was named) and hild , “warrior”. It means “great warrior” or “strong warrior”.
26. Ermine . Of Greek origin. The root ermen- means “great”, “immense”.
27. Ernest . Of German origin. It comes from ernust , which means “tenacious”, “willful”, “fighter”.
28. Erostratus . Of Greek origin, it is composed of eros, “love”, “desire” and stratós , which means “army”.
29. Stephen . Of Greek origin. It comes from stephanos : “crown”, “garland”.
30. Eteocles . Of Greek origin. It is composed of étéos , “true” and kleos , “fame, rumour, glory”.
31. Euclid . Of Greek origin. It comes from eu-kleidos , “the one of good reputation”.
32. Eudacius . Of Greek origin derived from eydokia , which means “good will”.
33. Eugene . Of Greek origin. It comes from eu-genos , “well-born.”
3. 4.Eulalio . Of Greek origin. It comes from eu-lalos , “well-spoken”, “eloquent”.
35. Eulogy . Of Greek origin. Composed of eu , “good”, “good” and lego , which means “to speak”, “to tell”.
36. Eusebius . Of Greek origin, it comes from eu-sébas . It means “good” and “pity”.
37. Euthymius . Of Greek origin. Derived from euthimos, which means “of good heart”, “of good spirits”.
38. Eutyches . Another of the many boy names with E of Greek origin. It means “lucky”, “happy”.
39. Hezekiah. Of Hebrew origin. It means “my strength is Yahweh” or “Yahweh strengthens”.
40. Ezekiel . Of Hebrew origin. It comes from hezeq-iel , whose meaning is “strength of God”.