Do you like the letter P? There are many boy’s names that start with the letter P, such as Paolo, Pedro and Pelayo. In this series of articles on names with each letter of the alphabet, you will find the name that best suits what you are looking for. If you need help deciding which name to choose, in this baby names article, you will find countless boy names that start with P , for all tastes
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Thanks to its Latin origin, Pablo means “the little one”. At first it was a nickname rather than a first name. Paul owes the popular diffusion of him to the apostle Saint Paul, who changed his real name Saulus to Paulus…
Paciano is formed from the Latin word pax, “peace”, and the patronymic ending -ianus. He is “the one who belongs to peace”, “the peaceful one”, “the calm and stable one”. San Paciano was a bishop of Barcelona, martyred at the end of the 4th century.
“The one who brings peace.” Of Latin origin, he is a personality of artist, writer and creator. He is a great communicator. Practical and intelligent, he makes the most of his natural abilities. He has a great capacity for persuasion.
Palladium is “that relating to Pallas”, or to Minerva, the goddess of wisdom and intelligence. Meanings parallel to mythology are presupposed: it is the wise person, the one who renews the intellect, the one who is guided by reason.
Palmacio is the gentilicio of palmatus, that is to say, “the palmed one, the palmed one”. La Palma, palm leaf, is the symbol of victory that was offered to the winners, also a symbol of welcome and protection.
UNIQUE Boy Names That Start With P
Palmiro is a derivative of palm, with various meanings; “the lower part of the hand”, “the part of the trunk where the branches come out” and, specifically, “the trunk of the palm tree”.
Pancracio is formed by the Greek words pan, “everything”, and kratés, “powerful, strong, fighter, president”, Its conventional interpretation is “the fighter”, “the one who can do everything”, the one who comes to power by his force.
Name of Greek origin that means “companion, supportive”. It is insistent. It is expressed in the independence of action and in the originality of concepts. He loves distinguished manners, quality clothes, everything that has value.
Pantaleon is made up of the Greek words pan, “everything”, and léon, “lion”. It would be translated as “the lion in all things”, metaphorically “the strong and constant”, “the one who can do everything”.
The name Paolo means “little”.
Paris has its Greek correspondence in Paris, but it is a name of pre-Hellenic origin, so its meaning is unknown to us. Mythologically, Paris is the one who provokes the Trojan War by kidnapping the beautiful Helen, thanks to his persuasive skills.
Pármeno is a variant of Parmenio, the poetic form of paraméno, “persevering, persistent” (the literal translation is “to stand by”). He is the man characterized by his constancy, by his uninterrupted permanence.
Pascasio is “Easter”, from the Greek and Aramaic pasja and from the Hebrew Pesach, which is popularly interpreted as “passage”. Easter is the Christian time in which the resurrection of Christ is celebrated after his harsh passion and death, it is the passage from death to eternal life.
Pascual is “Easter”, from the Greek and Aramaic pasja and from the Hebrew Pesach, which is popularly interpreted as “passage”. Easter is the Christian time in which the resurrection of Christ is celebrated after his hard passion and his death, it is the passage from death to eternal life.
Pastor has the same meaning as our current “shepherd”, it is a derivative of the past participle pastum, “graze, graze”. The shepherd is the one who offers shelter and protection, the one who guards and protects. Pastor was one of the metaphorical nicknames of Jesus Christ.
Paternio is in Greek the nickname of the goddess Pallas Athena. Pallas is the Greek goddess of wisdom and intelligence; there is a translation of the goddess’s own symbols that complement the meaning of her name.
Paterno means “one belonging to the father”. This Latin pater is not focused on remembering physical paternity, but rather the social and moral of the father as head of the family, as the one who runs the power in the home.
Patrick is the descendant of the first senators who appointed Romulus and Remus at the founding of Rome. Its meaning is mainly legal; “one of free or noble father”.
Paulina is a variant of Paulus or Pablo, which means “the little one”. At first it was a nickname rather than a first name. Paul owes his popular diffusion to the apostle Saint Paul, who changed his real name Saulus to Paulus as a sign of humility before Jesus Christ.
Paulo comes from the Latin Paulus, which means “the little one”. At first it was a nickname rather than a first name. Paul owes his popular diffusion to the apostle Saint Paul, who changed his real name Saulus to Paulus as a sign of humility before Jesus Christ.
Russian form of Pablo: Small. He has a good capacity for concentration and perseverance. He is quite vulnerable to other people’s emotions, based on his inner tenderness and therefore suffers, more than he communicates, when he is emotionally rejected by others.
The name Pedro means “firm as a stone”, and denotes the concepts of “incorruptible man” and “man with integrity”. Pedro is a name that is associated with people who have the will to…
Pelayo is the popular Spanish form of Pelagio. From the Latin Pelagius, it means “the sailor”, “the man of the sea”. It shares semantic parallelism with the Anglo-Saxon Morgan/a.
Peleo derives from the Greek pelós, “silt, mud, swamp”. Peleo is “the one with the mud”, the one that comes out of the earth, the one that hides under the swamp, the mysterious one. Peleo is famous thanks to a mythological character, grandson of Zeus and father of Achilles.
Pilgrim means “the foreigner, the stranger, the pilgrim”, derived from the verb peregre, “to come from outside”. The pilgrim is the nomadic man, the one who wanders along the roads. In a symbolic interpretation he is “the one who seeks”, “the one who pursues an ideal”.
Pefecto is “the finish, the perfect, the complete”. Its use as a given name is due to the fact that it is a mystical name. It carries important religious meanings related to “being free from all sin”, “being perfect, clean, without stains” in the strictest moral sense.
Pericles means “the most glorious”, that is, “the one who achieves glory in a wide way”. Glory is a state related to divinity, it is only achieved in firm and clear spiritual conditions.
Perpetual means, from its Latin origin, “he who advances steadily”, “the perpetual one”. Perpetuus was the title of Augustus (perpetuus Augustus; “always Augustus”), which was later accepted by the rest of the Roman emperors.
Petronilo is the diminutive of Petronius, that is, “pebble”. The importance and fame of Petronius is due to the fact that it was the name of a commoner Roman gens.
Petronius derives from the Latin petronius, “stone”. Petronius’s importance and fame is due to the Petronia family, a plebeian Roman gens.
Píndaro is a gentilicio of Píndos, the mount Pindo in Thessaly. According to tradition, Apollo and the Muses lived on the highest part of this mountain. Pindar symbolically means “he of the sacred mount”.
Pio comes from the Latin form pius, “piety”. Etymologically “piety” takes another meaning different from the strictly mystical one; “the sense of duty” or “devotion to the gods”.
Pyrrhus comes from the Greek meaning “color of fire”. Formerly it was used as a nickname for redheads. Pyrrhus is famous as a given name in Greek mythology; he was the son of Achilles who killed Priam in the Trojan War.
Pythagoras comes from Pizo, the ancient name of Delphi, derived from the concept of “python snake”, a symbol of the terrible flood calmed by the arrows of Apollo, that is, by the rays of the sun (Apollo being the Greek solar god).
Placido is “the morbid, the soft, the placid, the meek”. Formerly the meaning of placid was focused on “the pleasant, the pleasant”. The concept of peace is predominant in meaning.
Plato means “wide”, “extensive”. According to tradition, Plato was nicknamed by his gym teacher because of his broad shoulders. It is very common in classical antiquity to acquire a name related to specific physical, moral or social characteristics.
Platoides is the patronymic of Plato. Plato means “wide”, “extensive”. According to tradition, Plato was nicknamed by his gym teacher because of his broad shoulders.
Plautino is the diminutive of Plautus. Plautus derives from the Latin plautus, “he who has flat or wide feet”. The Umbrians call people who have flat feet Plautus, precisely this is the nickname of Plautus, the Roman comic poet originally from Umbria.
Plautus derives from the Latin plautus, “he who has flat or wide feet”. The Umbrians call people who have flat feet Plautus, precisely this is the nickname of Plautus, the Roman comic poet originally from Umbria.
Plinius is the traditional name of a Roman gens who settled in Como during the Novum Comum colonization. Other etymological interpretations have been tried and proven false; this is the case of plenus “full, thick”.
The literal translation of Plutarch, of Greek origin, is “he who rules through his wealth”, “the rich prince”. His fame as a given name is due to the writer of “Parallel Lives”, as happens with names like Ovid, Plato, Virgil and Pythagoras.
Polibio/a is the union of the Greek words poli, “much”, and bios, “life”. The most suitable interpretation is “the one that has a lot of life”, “the vivacious, the cheerful, the excited”, “the vigorous” or “the long-lived”.
Polycarp is the union of two different Greek voices; poli, “much”, and karpós, “fruit, benefit”. The interpretation of him is “the one who is fruitful”, “the one who produces much”, “the one of work and extensive work”.
Pompeyano is the patronymic of Pompeii: “el pompey”. Pompey or Pompeius is a Roman gens, that is, a family of defined lineage. Its meaning is obtained through the Sabine numeral; pompe is “five”.
Pompey or Pompeius is a Roman gens, that is, a family of defined lineage. Its meaning is obtained through the Sabine numeral; pompe is “five”. Its most correct interpretation is “the fifth son”.
Pompilius is the name of a Roman gens, a family of founded lineage. Its meaning is obtained through the Sabine numeral; pompe is “five”. Its most correct interpretation is “the fifth son”.
Pompous comes from the Latin pompa, “solemnity, etiquette, procession”. In the historical evolution pompous has come to mean “magnificent, ostentatious” even “excessive”. Its use as a given name has almost completely disappeared.
Pontius has a somewhat confused etymology; it seems to be derived from the Oscan numeral pomtis, “fifth”. The most correct interpretation of him is “the fifth son”. It was common in ancient times to designate those born in this way; the same goes for names like Decius, Octavian, Nunio, etc.
Porphyry is “purple” and appears to be a loanword from a Semitic language. It has been translated as “the purple dress” or “purple”, alluding to the color of the face of newborns, due to the pressure of childbirth.
Potenciano is the patronymic of one of the names derived from potens, “power”. It translates as “the fit, the suitable, the adequate, the powerful”. He is the man who adapts to any circumstance or complicated situation.
Práxedes comes from the Greek term praxis, “action, practice, company, success”. Práxedes is interpreted as the active, enterprising, practical and functional woman. Santa Práxedes was a Roman virgin, sister of Santa Prudenciana, martyred in the 2nd century.
Priam means “the rescued one”, the one who has been saved from illness or deadly crossroads. In a symbolic interpretation it is the one that “renews itself”, “comes back to life”. Priam is a famous given name thanks to the last king of Troy, assassinated by Pyrrhus, the son of Achilles.
Primitive has an original meaning different from the current one; it is “in the first place”, “for the first time”. It used to be the given name of firstborn children. In ancient times it was common to number new family members in order of birth.
Like the Primitive given name, primo means “the first.” It used to be the given name of firstborn children. In ancient times it was common to number new family members in order of birth.
Priscilo is the diminutive of Prisco. Prisco, derived from the Latin priscus, means “old, ancient”. It refers to material or immaterial goods that no longer exist today, what was in the past, what was from another time.
Prisco, derived from the Latin priscus, means “old, ancient”. It refers to material or immaterial goods that no longer exist today, what was in the past, what was from another time.
Private is “what is related to a single person” in an initial concept of the term. With the development of private law and legal norms, it began to designate not the individual but “the non-public”.
Probo means “the straight one”, “the correct one”, the one that does not exceed the norm. He is the person of good morals, of proper education. It is applied as a concept in a strictly moral sense. Its use today is very rare, being denied to certain peoples of the Italian territory.
Proclus is a very little known name; It is the Hellenization of the Latin proculus or Proculus. Proculus has a highly expressive meaning, it is “the one born while the father is away”.
Procopio is formed by the union of the Greek words pro-, “in front”, and kópto, “to cut”. The most accurate translation is “the circumcised” or, metaphorically, “the one who prospers”, “the one who brings things forward”.
Proculus has a very expressive meaning, it is “the one born while the father is away”. In a more extensive interpretation we would say that it is “the self-sufficient one”, the one that grows up without parental support, the pillar of the family.
Prospero comes from the Latin prosper, which means “happy, lucky, prosperous, lucky”. He is the adventurous person, the one who easily finds what he wants. There is another etymology that relates the name to the Sanskrit sphiráh, “rich, abundant”.
Protagoras is the union of the Greek words protos, “first”, and agora, “public square, assembly”. The most accurate interpretation of him is “the first in the assembly”, “the one who stands out in the popular meeting”.
Protasio means “the one in front”, “the outstanding one”. He represents the man who stands out for his intellectual qualities; he is “the illustrious one”. Protasio is “the favorite” of the members born in the family.
Proto corresponds to “first”, as does Primo. It used to be the given name of firstborn children. In ancient times it was common to number new family members in order of birth.
Protogenos means “born the first”, “the cousin”. It used to be the given name of firstborn children. In ancient times it was common to number new family members in order of birth.
Prudentius comes from the Latin form prudentia, “knowledge, practice, wisdom, audacity”, derived from prudens-, “prudent, farsighted”. Prudencio is the one who anticipates events in a bold way, with foresight knowledge.
Publius, opposite Privatus, is “the man or boy dedicated to the people.” He is the public man, endowed with magnificent social qualities, with an outgoing character and great power of persuasion through words.