The gamification model is a new type of learning that children feel is fun and therefore works. They learn effortlessly and also have a good time. It is a way of introducing games not only as something playful, but also as educational. For this reason , both education professionals and children are delighted.


Gamification is therefore an educational learning technique where games are the protagonists to achieve better academic results in students. These games can help students in many areas such as:

  • improve skills
  • Satisfaction with the objectives achieved
  • improve knowledge
  • Solve problems playfully
  • Manage emotional control

There are many objectives, depending on the type of game and what you want to achieve with it. What matters is to focus on the results but that the effort is the most important thing in the whole process. By having a fun character, children better internalize the contents almost immediately, because they have fun and do not realize that they are learning. Hotels in Toledo to go with children The best family hotels to discover Toledo.

This learning does not require effort because for the student it becomes a positive experience. Being this way, he does not perceive learning as something tedious, that tires him or that generates discomfort. In this sense, the students do not realize that they are learning or studying, they only perceive that they are having a good time while playing, even though they are learning at the same time.

motivation through play

The key to this learning technique is motivation. Students are motivated externally, but the best motivation that happens is the internal one, the one that comes from within oneself. Gamification achieves this thanks to its specific characteristics.

This will make them feel that they are the ones in control of the situation, the ones who decide whether or not to learn, but since they are so motivated they decide to play, and learn… thanks to this, they will have a commitment to themselves and to learning. They will want to improve themselves to achieve better results through different learning techniques embodied in games.

mechanical technique

The mechanical technique is the way to reward the student whenever he meets a series of game objectives. This external reward will make her internal motivation grow more, in reality it does not become an external motivation at any time.

There are mechanical techniques that are commonly used. Some of them are:

  • Accumulation of points. Those who get more points will have more chances of achieving the objectives.
  • Level scaling. The levels are reached being the objective to pass to the following ones.
  • Awards. As objectives are met, prizes are received that are collected.
  • Gifts. They are obtained when objectives are achieved.
  • Classifications. Players are classified depending on the points or objectives they reach. The best will be at the top of the ranking list.
  • challenges. Competitions are held between the players and the best is the one who takes the points or the prize.

As you can see, this technique is ideal for boosting that important motivation in students, so that they want to continue playing and achieve their goals, which in this case would be learning and acquiring knowledge.

Among the most used dynamics are:

  • rewards. Obtain benefits.
  • Status. Have a good social hierarchical level.
  • Achievements. Self-improvement or personal satisfaction.
  • Competition. Compete to achieve better results than others.

Depending on what you want to achieve, the way to achieve the objectives in the technique will be sought in order to obtain the best possible results. The important thing about this is not to play in itself, but rather that the score-reward-objective system is efficient and that the boys and girls feel motivated to continue their learning.