It is very important that we continue with the awareness of not leaving home so much, because it is necessary that we all do our bit so that hospitals do not collapse and above all, so that the pandemic that is plaguing our world can be contained. known as Coronavirus (COVID-19). You do NOT need to go shopping so much, you can supply your family with food by going once a week to buy and knowing how to freeze food properly.

Empty supermarkets due to desire to buy

It is sad to see how some supermarkets continue with empty shelves, but not because there is a shortage, but because people go into panic mode and destroy what they see on the shelves, stockpiling food that may not be so necessary since in a few days they will be able to go shopping again. Despite the state of alarm decreed by the Coronavirus, supermarkets continue to work hard so that nothing is missing on their shelves every morning.

On the other hand, perhaps you leave 300 euros in the purchase, and behind you, an old man goes shopping and finds the shelves empty and goes home without being able to buy anything to eat.

The same thing can happen to a family that only He has money to buy a day and finds that anxious people have taken half a supermarket without needing to. And this family that buys daily, goes home without the milk their children need to drink, while you have 24 liters at home, for example. We all have the same concern but we must also think of others.

How to freeze fresh vegetables

Freezes vegetables and vegetables too

You can also freeze vegetables and even fruits to make them last longer and you don’t have to go shopping as often. Just like the meat, fish, shellfish and other fresh produce you’re used to freezing, you can now also do it with vegetables, greens and fruit, you just have to know how to do it.

You don’t need to ditch fresh produce and go for deep-frozen. You have to take into account some key points to do it right:

  • Cut and chop. Cut and chop the piece to prevent it from taking up too much space and to better control the portions .
  • Blank vegetables, fruits and vegetables. Blanching inactivates enzymes such as lipoxygenases or polyphenoloxidases to prevent the food from having an abnormal appearance or taste. To blanch the vegetables you have to submerge the clean and chopped vegetables in boiling water for 2 minutes or less if the food is delicate and then put it in very cold water to stop the cooking. If you do several batches, do them with renewed water each time. Then thoroughly dry the food with kitchen paper to then pack, there should be no trace of water so that the cold does not burn your vegetables.
  • Cook the vegetables. When you take out the vegetables you will have to cook them, the foods you freeze, once you defrost them, their texture and flavor will no longer be the same .

What is best to freeze

It is important that the vegetables you are going to cook are in good condition (clean and without bruising). There are some foods that it is better not to freeze, such as those that have a lot of water naturally, that are usually eaten raw or that their texture or flavor changes completely, this can happen with lettuce, tomato, cucumber , celery or potatoes.

On the other hand, there are other foods that you can freeze without problems: well-washed peas, garlic, spring onions or onions, leeks, finely chopped peppers, courgettes, pumpkins, spinach, Swiss chard, artichokes, aubergines, carrots…

To store these foods in the freezer, it is best to use airtight bags so that there is no oxygen left inside and the food does not oxidize. Other option are airtight plastic jars. Clear plastic wrap is also a good option, it takes up less space and is cheaper to get.