If you are reading this, you are surely choosing the name that you are going to give your baby. In this series of articles on girl’s names with each letter of the alphabet, you will find many ideas, since there is a wide variety of women’s names with the letter M. There are options for all tastes and all of them are very pretty and original. In this baby names article, we offer you a list of girl name with M , such as Martina, Macarena or Mariona, along with their meaning and origin.
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Macarena is one of the most famous dedications to the Virgin Mary in Spain, in relation to the Sevillian neighborhood of Macarena, which took its name from an old building related to San Macario.
The etymological origin of Maclovia is unknown to us. This was the name of a fourth-century French saint, of remote Irish origin, who was known by the name of Malo.
Macra is the feminine of macrino, specifically it comes from the Latin macer, which means “thin, skinny, together”.
Macrina is the patronymic voice of the Latin term macer, which means “skinny, thin”. Macro was the name of two Roman poets.
Mafalda is the Portuguese variant of Matilde. Matilde is one of the most commonly used names of Germanic origin: formed by the words math, “power”, and hild, “fight, combat, battle”. Its literal translation is “the powerful in combat”. Wikipedia having most famous baby name list.
Magalí is the Provencal variant of Margarita, it has been very widespread since the 19th century thanks to one of the characters in the poem “Mirèio” by Mistral.
This woman represents the repentant sinner; she is the one who commits the sin and then accepts the penance. Its etymological origin comes from the Greek adaptation of the Hebrew word migdal, “tower”. This name derives from the ancient Greek…
Magnolia does not have a specific etymological origin. It represents the flower called magnolia, an American tree that Linnaeus named in honor of its discoverer; the botanist Pedro Magnol.
Mailen is a female name of Mapuche origin that means “girl”, “maiden” or “young lady” in the culture of the indigenous peoples of southern Chile and Argentina. Many say it means “princess”, however, in the culture…
The name Maite has several associated meanings. The most widespread is “the beloved woman” or “the one who has a lot of love”. Together with this, Maite is considered a hypocoristic or contraction of the name…
Malvina is one of the most beautiful names and with a very pleasant sound. Curiously, it seems to be an invention of the English Macpherson for one of his poems. Its graphic relationship with Gaelic leads us to think that the meaning comes from the word “maol-mhin”, which means “soft snow”.
Manlio was the name of one of the Roman gens, that is, families or lineages of Roman origin. It seems that etymologically it is an alteration of the Latin manius; “born in the morning”.
The name Manuela is the feminine of Manuel, whose meaning is “The God who is with us”. Also, it is understood as the “God who dwells among us” and whose mention in the Bible is referred to…
The literal meaning of Mara is “bitterness”, so applied to the person it would mean “the afflicted woman” or “the romantic woman”. Interestingly, in the seventeenth century, sadness and rootlessness in women were considered…
Wonder comes from the low Latin merabilia, which in turn derives from mirabilia, that is, “admirable things”: it is the amazing, the strange, the admirable.
Marcello or Marcelo represents the diminutive of Marcus, that is, Marco. The meaning is “the derivative of Mars”.
Marcelina is one of the variants of Marcellus or Marcelo, it represents the diminutive of Marcus, that is, Marco. The meaning is “the derivative of Mars”.
Martius, its Latin origin, is the adjectival form of Mars, that is, Mars. Mars was the ancient Italic deity identified with the Greek god of war, whom the Romans considered their main god since, according to mythology, as the father of Romulus he was also the founder of Rome.
Marfisa is an alteration of the mythological names Marpesa and Marpesia, the former was a nymph loved by Apollo, while the latter was the queen of the Amazons. She is a vos of pre-Hellenic origin, which has been tried to relate to the Greek “embrace”.
Marga is one of the most common abbreviations for Margarita. It means “pearl”, which derives in a remote origin from the Persian murvarid, “creature of light” (where the meaning of pearl comes from), or from the Sanskrit manjarit, “bouquet of flowers”.
Daisy flower
Margarita means “pearl”, which derives in a remote origin from the Persian murvarid, “creature of light” (from which the meaning of pearl comes), or from the Sanskrit manjarit, “bouquet of flowers”. It is one of the names that is commonly used in all cultures.
Margot is one of the French hypocoristics of Margarita. It means “pearl”, which derives in a remote origin from the Persian murvarid, “creature of light” (from which the meaning of pearl comes), or from the Sanskrit manjarit, “bouquet of flowers”. “.
The name Maria means “the chosen one of God”. Other meanings that can be given to the name Mary are “the mother of God” or “the beloved of the Lord”.
Mary of the angels
This name is composed of the name of Mary and Angels. Maria comes from the Hebrew and is the name in the form of Miriam of the sister of Moses and Aaron.
Maria del Mar
Girl’s name composed of María and Mar. María comes from Hebrew and is the name in the form of Miriam of the sister of Moisés and Aarón, and Mar is the abbreviated name of the Virgin venerated in Torroella de Montgrí, Our Lady of the Sea.
Maria Paz
María Paz is a name composed of María which means ‘the one full of grace’, and Paz which means ‘the one who possesses peace and calm’. He is a person who is attracted to everything noble and beautiful, has great aspirations for his life and is loyal to his friends.
Because Mariana is the union of Maria and Ana, the meaning of this name is a sum of their respective meanings. Thus, Mary means “the one chosen by God” and Ana means “beautiful and graceful woman”. The…
The name Marianela comes from Latin. Its meaning is made up of the union of the names Mariana and Estela. He is a person who stands out in activities related to creativity, expression and communication.
Maribel is the hypocoristic form of the union of Mary and Elizabeth. On the one hand, Mary is a Hebrew name derived from MRYM, Miriam, which means “the beloved of Amun.” Isabel is the contraction of Elisabeth, from the Hebrew elisheba, which means “the oath of God” or “God is my oath”.
The name Mariel comes from two names: María, which means “beloved of God”, and Isabel, whose meaning is “God is perfection”.
The name Marien is a variant of Maria of Arabic origin. From the Hebrew ‘Maryam’ means ‘that beautiful lady who guides us’. Her feast day is August 15.
Marilda is the union of two different Germanic voices; on the one hand mari, which means “illustrious, famous”, and secondly by hild, “combat, battle, fight”. The literal translation of it would be “the illustrious one in combat”.
The name Marina means “born in the sea”. Other meaning that she attributes is “woman who loves the sea”.
Name of Hebrew origin. It means the chosen one, the one loved by God. It is a very popular female name among Christians for being the mother of Jesus. It is the name in the form of Miriam of the sister of Moses and Aaron.
Marisa is a hybrid; a contraction between Maria and Luisa. Its most common diminutive is Marisela. Maria comes from the Hebrew and is the name in the form of Miriam of the sister of Moses and Aaron. The confusion of both spellings is due to the fact that in ancient Hebrew the consonants of the name are MRYM.
Marisol comes from two names: Maria which means “God’s chosen one” and sol, “She who shines”.
The name Maritza has several associated meanings. However, the most widespread are “the one that is beautiful like the sea” and “the sunrise in the sea”. In any case, it is a name associated with feminine beauty.…
The female name Marjorie means “precious woman” or “the most beautiful”. However, some theories suggest that its most correct meaning is “pearl”.
Marlene is the German contraction of two names; Maria and Helen. Maria comes from the Hebrew and is the name in the form of Miriam of the sister of Moses and Aaron. The confusion of both spellings is due to the fact that in ancient Hebrew the consonants of the name are MRYM.
Marseille is the feminine variant of Marsilio. It is, in fact, the remote derivation of Marcos, which represents a variant of Mars.
The meaning of the name Marta is “lady” or “lady”, it refers to a woman of noble character. Another not so popular meaning that is given to her is “daughter”.
The meaning of Martina is “related to the god Mars” or, in other words, “warrior”. This meaning is due to the relationship of this name with Roman mythology (Mars).
Martyrdom is a mystical name that comes from the ecclesiastical Latin martyrium, specifically from martyr, which means “witness, testimony”. It is a name that currently sees its use restricted due to new fashions and imported names.
Mateo has an origin in Hebrew that will be altered in Latin in the form of Matthaeus, meaning “gift of Yahweh”. But Mattathias is famous for being one of the best known biblical characters; a Hebrew leader who was chief of the Maccabees in the 2nd century.
The name Matilde means “the strong and warrior woman”.
Maurus or Mauro means “the one belonging to Mauritania”, that is, “the Mauritanian”. Mauritania is currently the African region that corresponds to the borders of Morocco and most of Algeria.
Mauricio comes from Maurus, that is, Mauro. Maurus or Mauro means “the one belonging to Mauritania”, that is, “the Mauritanian”. Mauritania is currently the African region that corresponds to the borders of Morocco and most of Algeria.
Maxima means “the great one”, in the most powerful sense of the term. Maximus is “the greatest, the strongest, the most powerful.”
Maya has a very curious meaning at a family and private level; it was the affectionate name for old women; can be translated as “mother, nurse, caretaker”.
The feminine name Mayerly that comes from the Greek, means ‘maternal’.
The name Mayra, which means wonderful, is of Latin origin. She is an intelligent person, self-confident and with an enormous capacity for practicality.She is responsible and prudent. Her clear ideas stand out thanks to her impeccable logic.
Mectildis is one of the variants of Matilda or Matilde, which is one of the most commonly used names of Germanic origin: formed by the words math, “power”, and hild, “fight, combat, battle”. The literal translation of her is “the mighty one in combat”.
Medea translates as “the pensive one, the one who reflects” even “the one who intrigues through her thoughts”. Medea is certainly a well-known name thanks to mythology; according to legend she was the wife of Jason, characterized by her spells, adventures and murders.
The female name Megan, of Welsh origin, means “strong” and “capable”, therefore the meaning of Megan’s name would be “strong and capable woman”.
Melania derives directly from the Latin mélas, “dark-skinned, swarthy”. In ancient times, children born with similar characteristics were called this way; babies with brown skin or very dark hair. Metaphorically, this name inspires sweetness and, at the same time, mystery.
The female name Melanie is a variant of the name Melania and means “brown-skinned person”, “brown-skinned one” or “brown-skinned person”.
Melba has a very recent origin; from the end of the 19th century. It is the pseudonym that the American soprano Elena Porter Mitchell chose to remember the city where she studied: Melbourne.
Melibea is the union of the two Greek words meló, “to take care of, take care of”, and bous, “ox”. In its literal translation it is “the one who takes care of the oxen”. Melibeo is famous for being the pastor of Virgil’s “Eclogues”.
Due to its etymological origin, the meaning of the name Melina is “sweet as honey”. On the other hand, “melina” and “melino” are also the names of the natural people of Milo, one of the Cyclades islands.
Melinda is actually a hybrid between the Greek melós, “song, melody” and the ending so usual among Germanic names -inda. She represents the woman characterized by sweetness, harmony, meaning very much in line with the sonority of the name.
Melissa comes directly from the Greek melissa, which means “bee”. In a slightly freer interpretation we would say that she is the sweet and melodious one, since she is related to the concept of “honey”.
Melisenda is derived from the Germanic verb amal, “work” (Amal being the founder of the Ostrogothic family), and by swintha, “strong, powerful”. The literal translation would be “the strong and powerful among the love ones”.
Melitina is in this case a Greek gentile; means “the one that comes from Melitina” (one of the regions of Cappadocia), so the name adopts the foreign characteristics of the place. Saint Melittina was a virgin martyr in Thrace in the second century.
Merced is one of the most common variants of Mercedes. It is the name of one of the devotions to the Virgin Mary; Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes or Merced, on the twenty-fourth of September. The Latin merces means “price paid for a commodity”, that is to say “reward”.
This is the name of one of the devotions to the Virgin Mary; Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes or Merced, on the twenty-fourth of September. The Latin merces means “price paid for a commodity”, that is to say “reward”.
The name of Meritxell comes from Latin and is the name of a Marian dedication, Our Lady of Meritxell.
Meta is one of the German hypocoristics of Margarita, whose use is very widespread. Margarita means “pearl”, which derives in a remote origin from the Persian murvarid, “creature of light” (from which the meaning of pearl comes), or from the Sanskrit manjarit, “bouquet of flowers”.
Mia’s name means “The chosen one”, “the one loved by God”. She is a diminutive of the female name Maria, so it is a name closely related to the aspects written in the Bible.
Micaela is the feminine form of Miguel, it comes from the Hebrew mi-ka-El, which means “who is like God?”, that is, “God is incomparable”.
Micaelina is the diminutive of Michaela, which in turn is the feminine form of Miguel. It comes from the Hebrew mi-ka-El, which means “who is like God?”, that is, “God is incomparable”.
Miguela comes from the Hebrew mi-ka-El, which means “who is like God?”, that is, “God is incomparable”.
The name Milagros means “wonder, miracle” or “something wonderful”. It refers to Our Lady of Miracles, one of the invocations of the Virgin Mary. In this way, people with the name Milagros honor what…
Milburga is one of the few Anglo-Saxon names of pure origin; formed by the union of the voices mildi, “kind, generous”, and burg, “protection, security”. The literal translation is “the generous protection”.
The female name Mildred literally means “soft and strong person at the same time”. However, other theories suggest that its meaning would be “the beloved for her generosity” or “the good counselor”. However, these meanings do not…
The meaning attributed to the name Milena is “the woman loved by God”.
Minerva derives from the Indo-European root men-, which means “to think”. Minerva is therefore the Latin goddess of wisdom, to which the Greek Athena corresponds. The name is in constant relation with “thought, intelligence and spirit”.
Miranda is a name that means “wonderful”, “wonderful” or “amazing”. In short, the name refers to admirable women whose works are equally deserving of that same admiration.
The name Mireia means ‘the one who is wonderful’, ‘mirror’, or ‘wonder’.
The meaning of Miriam is “beloved of God” or, in other words, “the chosen one”. In addition to its biblical meaning, other meanings given to it are “excellent” and “eminent”.
Mirna seems to derive from a foreign Gaelic name, etymologically unknown. She was the name of an actress whose origin was a family of ranchers from Montana.
Miroslava is a name of Slavic origin meaning “glorious peace”. The person who wears it is characterized by its tranquility and security. He is the peaceful and stable man.
Mirta has its origin in the Greek mírtos, “myrtle”, a shrub of Mediterranean origin consecrated to Venus. Its metaphorical translation is “the one belonging to Venus”, the main Latin goddess of love, whose corresponding Greek is Aphrodite.
look at her
Mirtala derives from the Greek mírtos, “myrtle”, a shrub of Mediterranean origin consecrated to Venus. Its metaphorical translation is “the one belonging to Venus”, the main Latin goddess of love, whose corresponding Greek is Aphrodite.
Mirza is the Persian term used as an honorific title. It is the equivalence to our English “sir” or “sir”. Its meaning as a feminine name is that of “princess, lady”. Mirza is the bearer of concepts such as honor, nobility and good lineage.
Mysteries alludes to the fifteen mysteries of the Catholic Church, that is, to the revealed truths that exceed human intelligence, that are incomprehensible. From the Latin mysterium, “secret, arcane, mystery”, as an evolved form of the Greek mistérion, “secret thing”.
Name of Latin origin that means “humble.” Modesta has a well-developed ability to concentrate and is very persevering. He is a very sensitive person and establishes very affective fraternal relationships.
Modoalda derives from the union of the Germanic words mut, “value, strength, courage”, and wald, “command, power”. The literal translation is “he who rules with courage”.
Mona is the Irish diminutive of muadhnait, “the noble one.” She is the honest woman who belongs to the good lineage; to the lineage of the nobility.
The name Monica means “the one who is unique” or “one only”. Other translations of her would be “the one who loves loneliness” or “the one who is alone”. Although basically the…
Montana was in ancient times a Roman surname meaning “highlander, montane”. It comes from the Latin mons, “mount”. In a metaphorical interpretation, it is the man who stands out above the rest, the one who stands on top, the one who stands out physically and morally.
The female name Montserrat refers to the Virgin of Montserrat and means “serrated mountain”, although metaphorically it means “the one that is on top” or “the one that stands out above the rest”.
Morgana has a very beautiful Celtic meaning; “the man of the sea”. It is the person who acquires the characteristics by metathesis of the sea itself; beautiful, mysterious and feared. Morgan is the original name of the famous English heresiarch Pelagius.
Munia is the feminine of Munio, derived from the Latin participle munis, “obligated, recognized, imposed”. It is the late adapted form of the Latin name Moenius, in traditional use in classical antiquity. It has a meaning strongly related to “the restriction”, “the containment” and “the norm”.
Muriel is a traditionally Irish name; derives from muir, “sea”, and geal, “clear, bright, resplendent”. She is the “bright as the sea” woman.
Myrna appears to derive from a foreign Gaelic name, etymologically unknown. She was the name of an actress whose origin was a family of ranchers from Montana.