There are many pregnant women who are confined to their homes and are very afraid of what may happen when their baby is born. They are afraid of catching the Coronavirus and also that something goes wrong when the time comes to give birth. The Coronavirus (Covid-19) makes us feel afraid, but that fear should not paralyze us, it should make us understand what our duty is in this war against the pandemic: stay home and follow the indicated measures.
The moment of childbirth
The moment of childbirth is probably one of the most important for any mother and also the one where the most fear is experienced throughout the pregnancy. The mother-to-be just wants everything to go well, without mishaps and to be able to hug her baby soon, whom she expects strong and healthy.
So, if you are going to give birth your baby soon or in a few weeks, it is more than likely that you will feel fear and uncertainty. Health personnel are overwhelmed, they are exhausted and doing a great job for all citizens. You may think that because of this when you go to your hospital at the time you are in labor, there will be something wrong.
Your midwife will take care of you
You shouldn’t think like that, because we have wonderful healthcare professionals, they’re all heroes and your midwife will take care of you at all times. It will watch over you and your baby, several professionals will be accompanying you at all times so that you feel that your delivery will be safe despite the pandemic that currently exists in our society.
This pandemic has caused a social confinement, we all must be locked up at home to prevent the contagion from spreading. And if you are pregnant it can be even more difficult to stay calm, since the concern of the coronavirus is a concern added to everything else.
Virgen del Rocío University Hospital in Seville
At the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital in Seville they have made a video that will reassure you because the message can spread to all hospitals in our country. Everyone has amazing nurses and midwives who will be by your side from the moment you walk into the ER.
The team doctor and pediatrician from all hospitals are there to take care of you when you need it, even in times of public health crisis like the current one. The video shared by the team of Midwives of the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital in Seville is a sign that everything will be fine. They want to give you peace of mind in such delicate moments, because giving birth in times of pandemic does not have to be a danger for you or for the baby.
A very optimistic video
The video brings good energy since the midwives and the rest of the health personnel are very optimistic. The video tries to reassure all the women who are expecting their baby in these difficult times for everyone. The video is barely a minute long but it is worth watching, especially if you are expecting your baby in times of Coronavirus.