Do you want to read a great list with original and rare girl names ? In this article you will find a wide selection of original and beautiful girl names so that you can be inspired when choosing a name for your baby.

Without a doubt, deciding on a name for a girl is very exciting. We know that choosing the one you like the most depends on many factors: the meaning, the sound, the origin and, of course, if the girl’s name is original. For this reason, we have prepared this very special list with more than 200 unique and unusual girl names . You will find a wide variety of different girl names. Which one will you keep?

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Original rare girl names

If you are looking for original girl names, it is because you want your baby’s name to be different and unique. Next, you will be able to discover a selection of uncommon girl names along with their meaning and origin:

  • Ailén : name of Mapuche origin that means joy .
  • Alexia : name of two possible origins, Slavic and Greek, meaning the protector .
  • Altea : name of Greek origin meaning healthy .
  • Amaryllis : Greek girl’s name meaning to shine and shine .
  • Arlet : name of Hebrew origin that means altar of God .
  • Becca : Diminutive name of Rebeca, meaning the slipknot .
  • Bern : Name of Germanic origin meaning reckless .
  • Cara – It is one of the uncommon girl names. Of Italian origin and means beloved .
  • Chantal : name of French origin meaning stone .
  • Chloe : Greek girl’s name and its meaning is green grass .
  • Cristel : Greek name meaning one that is clear or pure .
  • Dacia : name of Greek origin meaning white .
  • Delilah : it is one of the original names of women of Hebrew origin and means the flirtatious woman .
  • Dana : unisex name of Hebrew origin that means the one who is good at judging .
  • Dina : it is an original girl’s name that means the one who gets everything she sets out to do .
  • Eleanor : Variant of the Greek name Helena, meaning torch of light .
  • She : name of English origin that means the shining light .
  • Greece : this girl’s name is very old, it means the one that comes from Greece .
  • Greta : derives from the German word Margarita, which means pearl .
  • Helga : Original girls name of Germanic origin meaning heavenly .
  • Idalis : English name meaning a form of ida .
  • Ilana : is a Hebrew name that means tree .
  • Ilse : is a name of Germanic origin that means God is my oath .
  • Iris – One of the original girl names of Greek origin. It means the beautiful colors .
  • Ireland : girl’s name and as the Vikings called the land of Eire .
  • Juno : has its origin in Roman mythology, it means young woman .
  • Malva – This name comes from Latin and is the name of a flower.
  • Mara : of Hebrew origin, its meaning is the romantic woman .
  • Mila : name of Slavic origin, diminutive of Ludmila, meaning beloved of her people .
  • Olivia : girl’s name that comes from Latin and means the one who protects peace .
  • Opal : It has Hindu origin and means precious stone .
  • Romy : name that comes from Latin, diminutive of Rosemary, meaning rosemary .
  • Sabrina : This girl’s name comes from the River Severn, in Wales.
  • Samira : has different origins, in Hindi it means cold breeze .
  • Telma : comes from the Greek and means willful .
  • Valentina : This girl’s name comes from Latin and means courageous, courageous .
  • Vega : has its origin in the Virgin of Vega, it means flat and fertile land .
  • Zara : name of Arabic origin that means she who is beautiful like a flower.

Spanish original rare girl names

Although it may surprise us, in our country there is a great variety of original names for women that come from Latin. Also, thanks to our cultural variety, we can choose names of Basque, Galician and Catalan origin. If you are looking for a Spanish girl’s name that is not typical like María or Laura, in this list you will find a selection of names for unusual girls that you will love:

  • April : girl’s name that comes from Latin and means the joy of spring .
  • Ainara : Basque name meaning swallow .
  • Aitana : name of Basque origin that means glory .
  • Almond : name that comes from Latin and means as beautiful as the fruit .
  • Amaia : Basque name meaning the desired daughter or happy ending .
  • Antía : Galician name of Greek origin that means flower, it is a variant of Antonia.
  • Aurora : One of the original female names that comes from Latin and means sunrise .
  • Berta : name of Germanic origin that means the one that is brilliant .
  • Bruna : of Germanic origin, its meaning is armor .
  • Camila : name that comes from Latin and means the one who offers sacrifices.
  • Celeste : name of Latin origin that means the one that belongs to the sky .
  • Coral – This name comes from Latin and means coral beauty .
  • Daniela : name of Hebrew origin that means the justice of God .
  • Diana – Comes from Latin and mythology, Diana was the goddess of the moon .
  • Elsa : another of the original and pretty girl names. It is from Hebrew and means God has sworn .
  • Gabriela – another example of uncommon girl names meaning the one with divine strength .
  • Irati – This Basque name means field of ferns .
  • Jone : name of Basque origin meaning God is merciful. Other variants are Joana, Jana and Xoana.
  • Juliana : name of a saint who is venerated in the Cantabrian town of Santillana del Mar.
  • Karina : comes from Latin and means the very beloved .
  • Laia : Catalan girl’s name meaning well-spoken .
  • Leire : comes from Basque and meanslegionnaire.
  • Lluvia : is a Spanish name that refers to its meaning.
  • Lúa : the Galician form of the name Luna.
  • Luján : Latin name that comes from the Virgin of Luján.
  • Luna – This girl’s name derived from Latin and means the one who shines like the moon .
  • Martina : Name of Latin origin meaning warrior .
  • Nekane : is the Basque name for Dolores, which refers to sorrow and pain .
  • Ona : diminutive name of Mariona, meaning person who guides us .
  • Oriana : Latin name meaning she who is golden .
  • Palma : girl’s name that comes from Latin and means palm tree .
  • Rita : means something of great beauty and is a Latin name, diminutive of Margarita.
  • Valeria : comes from Latin and means the one who is courageous and healthy .
  • Violeta : diminutive name of viola meaning young .
  • Yaiza : name of Guanche origin, place name of the Canary Islands.
  • Zuri : of Basque origin, its meaning is white .

If you want to know a list of Spanish names, we recommend Spanish girl names .

Uncommon rare girl names

There are names that not everyone has heard because they are unusual or unknown. These unusual girl names that we propose are a good option if what you want is to get away from the typical and surprise. Here is a list of rare names for girls in our country:

  • Altair : It has Arabic origin and means the brightest star .
  • Amira : unusual girl’s name of Arabic origin meaning princess .
  • Buffy – Diminutive of Elisabeth, meaning God’s promise .
  • Casandra : comes from the kasis voices and means sister of men .
  • Chanel : name that comes from French and means channel .
  • Chelsea – comes from Old English and means landing place .
  • Cira : name of Hebrew origin that means shepherdess .
  • Damaris : of Greek origin, its meaning is married woman or beautiful woman .
  • Dania – This Hebrew name means justice of God .
  • Eira – is a Scandinavian name meaning snow .
  • Eunice : Greek name meaning one who achieves victory .
  • Fara : name of Greek origin that means the one that lights the way .
  • Fiona : name of Scottish origin meaning white and spotless .
  • Gretel : Uncommon girl’s name of German origin meaning beautiful as pearls .
  • Hazel – From Old English, it is a color that mixes green and blue.
  • Heaven : name that comes from the English word paradise .
  • India : name of Hindu origin meaning river of great flow.
  • Iva : original and short girl’s name name of Germanic origin meaning victory .
  • Keira : Gaelic name, its meaning is black-haired princess .
  • Kenya : of African origin, it means luminous mountain .
  • Keren : is of Hebrew origin and means abundance .
  • Mellea – An example of rare female names. It is of Italian origin and means honey .
  • Milan : Italian name that comes from the city that comes from Milan .
  • Nydia : name of Italian origin meaning nest .
  • Nawja : Arabic name meaning secret or whisper .
  • Odila : of Germanic origin, it means rich woman .
  • Orazia : Italian name meaning guardian of time .
  • Samara : Hebrew name of biblical origin, is the protected of God .
  • Tara : name of Sanskrit origin meaning star .
  • Tirsa : Hebrew name meaningpleasant.
  • Xiomara – Uncommon girl’s name of Germanic origin meaning famous in combat .
  • Yanira : has several origins, in Greek it means fidelity .
  • Zelda : another of the original and pretty girl names. It is of Germanic origin and means the one with gray hair .

If you liked these names for unusual girls, keep reading. Below you will find original and beautiful girl names and original and short girl names.

special rare girl names

There are original rare girl names that are special for many reasons: because of their origin, their meaning or the way they are pronounced. Whatever the reason, here we suggest some original and beautiful girl names to inspire you.

  • Adela : name of Arabic origin that means woman of noble origin .
  • Amelie – French girl’s name meaning worker .
  • Analía : Hebrew name that brings together Ana and Lía, the one who does not rest and is full of grace .
  • Bianca : Uncommon girl’s name of Italian origin meaning white .
  • Bonnie – Scottish name meaning charming .
  • Brenda : of Germanic origin, its meaning is strong as a sword .
  • Chesna – One of the original female names of Slavic origin meaning peace .
  • Cora : original and short girl’s name name of Greek origin meaning maiden .
  • Danae : comes from Greek mythology and means valuable rain that gives life .
  • Donna : female name derived from Italian, meaning maiden .
  • Emma : girl’s name of Germanic origin meaning universal woman .
  • Erica : German name, meaning eternal, rich, and powerful .
  • Frida : of Germanic origin, it means woman of peace .
  • Gala : ethnic name that comes from the adjective that is from Gaul .
  • Geneva : comes from the name Genoveva and means white .
  • Hilda : name of Germanic origin meaning battle .
  • Irma – Uncommon Germanic girl’s name meaning strength.
  • Isla – Another one of the rare girl names. Of Scottish origin meaning the queen of the Hebrides .
  • Ivet : name that comes from the Greek and means that which is glorious .
  • Ivonne : girl’s name that means the archer and is of Germanic origin.
  • Jade : comes from the ornamental stone jade, used in art and jewelry making.
  • Jasmine : Arabic name that means she who is beautiful like the flower that bears her name .
  • Leila : Arabic name that translates to night .
  • Maya : of Greek origin means the one that cares and feeds .
  • Nina : comes from the Hebrew and means the kind .
  • Nora : Abbreviation of the English name Eleonora meaning to grow up .
  • Regina – One of the original female names that comes from Latin and means queen .
  • Rihana – Of Arabic origin, this girl’s name means basil .
  • Rome : refers to the city and means the one that comes from Rome . Another name would be Romina .
  • Vera : name of Russian origin that translates as faith .
  • Wila – One of the rare names for girls of Hawaiian origin meaning faithful .
  • Xanat : It is the only name of Totonac origin that means vanilla .
  • Zaira : name of Arabic origin that means luminous .
  • Zoé : name of Greek origin that means woman full of life .

Original and short girl names

Many of the original girl names that have been trending in recent years are short girl names. Some come from ancient languages ​​and others are born from diminutives of names that we already know and have been reinvented. Be that as it may, these original and short girl names are a good option for your baby:

  • Ada : of Hebrew origin, it means beautiful and beautiful .
  • Afra : from Latin, it means the one that comes from Africa .
  • Alma : comes from Latin and means good-hearted .
  • Ania : comes from ancient Rome and means delivered woman .
  • Aria : original and short girl’s name name that comes from Latin and means music .
  • Blue : girl’s name of Persian origin that refers to the color of the sky.
  • Clio : girl’s name of Greek origin meaning famous .
  • Doli : Navajo origin girl’s name meaning blue bird .
  • Edna : Original girl’s name, Hebrew, meaning delight .
  • Eglé : original and short girl’s name of Greek origin that means the one that shines from the sun .
  • Gia : another of the original and short girls’ names is the diminutive of Gianna, which originates from Hebrew and means God is merciful .
  • Iara : girl’s name of Tupi origin meaning honest .
  • Ida : Of Germanic origin, this girl’s name means kind woman .
  • Ikia : is the feminine variant of the name Isaías and is of Latin origin.
  • Iria – Uncommon girl’s name of Latin origin referring to the rainbow .
  • Kim – Of Anglo-Saxon origin, Kim meansforest.
  • Lea : is a girl’s name of Latin origin that means lioness .
  • Lía : is a Hebrew name that means tired and hardworking .
  • Liv – Norwegian girl’s name meaning protection .
  • Mae – One of the original and meaningful girls’ names, diminutive of Mabel, referring to beloved .
  • Mia : original and beautiful girl’s name variant of Maria and means the beloved of God .
  • Noa : unisex name of Hebrew origin meaning delight .
  • Oba : one of the rare names for women of Nigerian origin that refers to the goddess of the rivers .
  • Pia : Italian name meaning devoted and committed woman .
  • Sol : another of the rare girl names of Latin origin that refers to the sun.
  • Tea : Italian girl’s name diminutive of Dorotea, meaning the God-given one .
  • Uda – Original Germanic girl’s name meaning rich woman .
  • Uma : original and pretty girl’s name of Hindu origin that is related to fertility and marriage .
  • Uxía: name of Greek origin that means the well born .
  • Zea : girl’s name of Latin origin meaning seed .

Looking for more short name ideas? You will surely like this article of more than 200 short girl names .

rare girl names

Have you thought about giving your baby a weird name? Take a risk with this selection of rare names for girls that we have prepared. Some of them have very distant origins, as well as rare and beautiful meanings. Let’s see examples of original and unusual girl names .

  • Arya : girl’s name of Sanskrit origin, whose meaning is noble, great and truthful .
  • Dakota : name of North American origin that means friend and ally .
  • Hebe : girl’s name of Greek origin meaning youth .
  • Iria : It is a name of Celtic origin and the meaning is fertile land .
  • Isolde : it is an original female name, from the Germanic meaning the strong warrior .
  • Jena – Of Arabic origin, this girl’s name means little bird .
  • Kala : This original and short girl’s name of Hawaiian origin means sun .
  • Katia : name of Russian origin meaning pure or chaste .
  • Lexie – Diminutive of Alexandra, meaning protector of mankind .
  • Libya : means born in an arid place and comes from Latin.
  • Mabel : English diminutive name of Amabel, meaning beloved .
  • Marena : comes from Latin and means woman of the sea .
  • Moira : myrtle crown is the meaning of this Greek name.
  • Munia : of Sanskrit origin and its meaning is little girl .
  • Naia : It is a Basque girl’s name that has no translation into Spanish.
  • Noor : of Arabic origin, its meaning is illuminated .
  • Ola : is the female name of Olaf, of Scandinavian origin, meaning ancestral .
  • Olaya : Variant name of Eulalia, meaning the well-spoken one .
  • Puja – One of the different girl’s names of Hindu origin, meaning prayer .
  • Raina – Of Polish origin, this girl’s name means queen .
  • Raizel – Arabic girl’s name meaning rose .
  • Rima : name of Arabic origin meaning white antelope .
  • Runa – Norse girl’s name meaning secret love .
  • Safa : its meaning is pure and it is of Arabic origin.
  • Saida : one of the rare names for women of African origin meaning lucky woman .
  • Saril : Turkish name meaning stream of water .
  • Tabitha : of Hebrew origin, the meaning of Tabitha is gazelle .
  • Tanit : comes from Latin and refers to a Roman goddess.
  • Tiara : English name meaning jeweled crown .
  • Tulia : name that comes from Latin and from the name Tulio.
  • Velma : original and beautiful girl’s name of Germanic origin, it means determined protector .
  • Vesa – Finnish name meaning young tree .
  • Wanda : Girl’s name of unknown origin.
  • Willow : is a name of Anglo-Saxon origin that means channel .

If you are here to find baby names for your new born, then you are at the right place, keep check article there are thousand of article regarding name of baby.