Every mistake is an opportunity for a new beginning… they should not be feared, they should be seen as teachers of life that allow us to improve. Learning is full of mistakes that allow us to have more experience and that is why, as parents, we must encourage our children not to feel bad when they have made a mistake. Nor should we punish them when they make mistakes, but take advantage of the moment to teach them to do things differently.
Without fear of being wrong
If a person grows up being afraid of making mistakes, they will grow up thinking that failure is a reason to sink emotionally. Nothing is further from reality. On many occasions, in order to be successful, you must first have failed one or more times. What matters is learning from that failure so that our path gives us more wisdom. Language functions: What are they and what are they for?
Recognizing that we have made a mistake is courageous because we are aware of what has happened and we want to find a way to resolve it, to find solutions. For children this is very valuable because their ability to learn from mistakes is enormous. To err is human and it is normal for each and every one of us to do so.
In order to understand mistakes, it is necessary to understand what they are, how they can help us and, above all, accept that when we make them, they are our responsibility.
Responsibility for making mistakes
For your children to learn from their mistakes, they must first accept that they have made them. Then, as guides that we are, we will have to teach them what they have done wrong and the necessary strategies to fix it. This is the maxim for your children to learn responsibly , but it is essential that parents take it into account.
On many occasions, due to the stress or pressure that we are under as parents, when a child breaks or spills something, it is possible that we speak to them in a bad way, they are punished and not corrected with love and respect. If every time we make mistakes we are punished, we would never leave our comfort zone and we would become people afraid of failure.
Never punish him for being wrong
As we mentioned above, if you punish a child because he has made a mistake instead of teaching him to do things better, he will think that making mistakes is horrible and if he does he will make a fool of himself. As he grows older he will avoid doing new things for fear of not doing well and therefore he will have a miserable and very limited life.
Following the previous example, if a child does not sit still at the table and therefore spills something and is only yelled at, criticized, threatened or slapped to make him sit down, the child will not learn to sit properly. He will learn that being himself is wrong and that he has to hold back. He will grow out of fear and insecurity in his person.
Parents must also understand that children are not inert beings and that they move, play, experience and enjoy life. It is normal for them to move at the table and that this does not have to be a reason for punishment or aggressive recrimination. They need guidance through affection and love to learn good manners at the table… Which they will learn over time and good daily teaching.
mistakes are natural
Making mistakes is natural and that is why you should not make children feel bad because they make mistakes. Moreover, you have to make them see the importance they have in life and for the development of oneself.
We live in a changing world and mistakes help us increase our creativity and conflict resolution skills, something essential to prepare children for life. So that they have productive skills that will be developed thanks to their innate curiosity, their imagination and creativity that must be cultivated day after day. If you teach them to learn from their mistakes, children will grow up with great potential.