Pilates exercises for pregnant women are aimed at strengthening muscles, improving flexibility, coordination, breathing and concentration.

Walking and swimming are recommended exercises for pregnant women. Both activities can be complemented with the practice of pilates for pregnant women , a discipline that prepares the future mother physically and mentally.


Precisely the benefits of pilates for pregnant women we will talk about throughout this article. If the exercises are authorized by the doctor and guided by a qualified professional, the practice of pilates helps pregnant women during pregnancy, childbirth and even postpartum .

This is how pilates helps pregnant women:

1. Helps correct bad postures that are acquired during pregnancy. There is a very common postural correction exercise that consists of sitting in the Indian position, stretching your arms, relaxing your shoulders and taking a deep breath. Then, the arms are opened and the air is released, bringing the shoulders back (10 repetitions).

2. Release tension in the back and muscles. Cat pose, for example, helps stretch your back muscles. To do it you just have to get on all fours, with your hands at shoulder height and your body stretched. In that position, make circles with the spine.

3. Women learn to control their bodies, so they move more easily.

4. Breathing and relaxation techniques are worked on, something very important throughout the pregnancy, but essential at the time of delivery.

5. Helps increase lung capacity.

6. Strengthens the pelvic floor, which facilitates labor and reduces the chances of incontinence after giving birth. A very simple exercise that also strengthens the adductors is to lie on your back with a rubber ball between your legs. In that position, you take a breath and release it slowly while you squeeze your knees (10 repetitions).

7. Strengthens the abdominal wall.

8. Strengthens the muscles of the arms and legs.

9. Reduce the lumbar curve caused by the weight of the abdomen. This contributes to improving lumbopelvic stability and reducing the risk of suffering pathologies such as low back pain , sciatica or sacroiliac pain.

10. Helps to fall asleep, which translates into a better rest.

11. Increase energy levels.

12. Improves blood circulation. This helps reduce certain problems, such as varicose veins or leg cramps.

13. Promotes knowledge of the body and with it, of the postures with which pregnant women are most comfortable.

14. Reduces the chances of gaining too much weight and suffering from hypertension.

15. Women who practice pilates usually recover fairly quickly from childbirth and suffer less constipation.

16. The upper part of the body, including the cervicals, is prepared to support the activities involved in caring for a newborn, from breastfeeding to changing diapers or holding it in your arms.


After reading this, are you thinking of starting to do pilates for pregnant women? It is best to look for a center that teaches prenatal pilates, as the exercises are designed especially for pregnant women. As the pregnancy progresses, the monitor will adapt the sessions to your bodily needs.

They are generally gentle exercises, aimed at stretching, strengthening the muscles, improving flexibility, coordination, breathing and concentration. Even so, it is advisable to wait until the discomfort of the first trimester of pregnancy has passed . It is also advisable to ask the doctor for an opinion.


Despite the benefits of pilates for pregnant women, it is important to note that in some cases the practice of this method is contraindicated. So if you have high blood pressure, diabetes , heart or lung disease, preterm labor or premature rupture of membranes, a previous miscarriage, bleeding, incompetent cervix, or placenta previa, it’s best to avoid this practice.

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