There are things that are better not to talk about in front of the children

When children are young, parents talk in front of them about different topics without thinking about whether it is a good topic or not for their little ones, because since they “do not understand” what is being talked about, it does not matter. As children grow up, their parents may continue to have this habit, without realizing that children do begin to understand what they hear and there are conversations that are better kept private, children do not have to hear everything!

Although it is true that sincerity with children is necessary It is also necessary to understand that they cannot participate in an adult conversation because their cognitive maturity is not developed. They may misunderstand some things or they may simply not be ready to listen to others.

Grown-up things

When children begin to understand what adults speak , sometimes parents so that the children do not want to know everything that is talked about, they say things like “these are things for adults”. In this way the parents think that this way the children will stop listening to the conversation. But if they’re in front of you while you’re talking, they’ll hear every single word you say.

Special care needs to be taken at family gatherings where adults start talking and with the heat of the moment they do not realize that the children are present. It is dangerous to do this and it is better to avoid it at all costs.

Don’t talk in front of your children

Don’t talk in front of your children about things that are better than streets because it can become dangerous. Children listen and even if they don’t seem to understand, they do it better than you think. And if they don’t understand it at the time, your words may be etched in their memory and when they grow up, they will understand perfectly what you meant. Even when you think they’re not listening, they do.

Even if children don’t understand what you’re saying or don’t ask you anything, they can confuse what you’re saying and what it is. worse, they can be scared of your arguments, because they don’t understand them. Can you imagine that you have an important family conversation and then your child tells it at school because he doesn’t understand what you said or how important it is not to tell it? And if he does tell, it’s not his fault, since he shouldn’t have witnessed that conversation.

Topics don't talk in front of children

Conversations you shouldn’t have in front of your children

There are banal conversations like what you are going to buy in the supermarket or when you are going to see the grandparents, that the children can be in front. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that it is important to be able to talk about everything with the children, but each thing in its own time. There are other issues that are perhaps more complicated for them to understand, which it is better not to talk about in front of them. If you think there are things they shouldn’t listen to, it’s because they shouldn’t. If you don’t know what we’re talking about, don’t miss a thing:

  • Criticize other people
  • Talk about sexual issues
  • Talk about economic problems
  • Talk about housing-related problems
  • Couple conflicts
  • Conflicts related to loved ones (uncles, grandparents, etc. .)
  • Talk about illnesses or sick people
  • Talk about difficult topics, such as the death of a loved one

While it is true that there are Certain topics are best avoided, there will be others that need to be addressed. We mean talking about death, sex, or other topics that they should hear from you first. You will have to discuss these issues with them always with the utmost sincerity and adapting the words to their age and understanding. The topics that should be discussed with children, it is necessary to be careful to avoid emotional problems in the present and in the future.