Digital media are great for educating as long as you find the right content, like this fabulous short that shows that educating isn’t about filling the mind with unique concepts, it’s freeing it from ties! Because the mind of a child (or of any person) needs to be free and feel good in order to grow and develop without self-consciousness. Knowledge is infinite as long as the love of learning is innate.
When you try to teach in an authoritarian way, the possibilities of cognitive growth in children are limited. Sometimes, children can be taught but -without bad intentions- the possibility of children learning efficiently is vetoed due to adult interference in the content they transmit.
It is not necessary to teach everything to children
Adults think that we should teach children everything, but in reality it is not necessary… it is true that they have a lot to learn but adults should not mistakenly think that the way we teach things or the way we do something is the only or the best of all. Nothing is further from reality. Our way of seeing and understanding the world does not have to be the valid one, or at least not the only one.
As parents, teachers or adults who influence children, we must be aware that children do not have to be our copies, far from it. We must give them the necessary tools so that they can grow and emerge on their own. It is not necessary to fill their mind with things, but what is essential is to teach children to have free, creative thinking and full of their own ideas.
Do not bind the mind of a child
It is essential not to tie children’s minds to conventions… if you have children and you scold them for doing things their way instead of doing them the way you do, then you will be prohibiting their creativity and preventing them from having critical thinking and problem solving. successful conflicts.
If you scold your children when they make mistakes, you will be putting fear into their bodies of making mistakes and therefore they will have a low tolerance for frustration… and their self-esteem will be seriously affected.
Labels are also very harmful for children because they destroy their self-esteem and condition their personality and development. You limit them to expectations that are not real… you must avoid overprotecting children and promote their own development, confidence in their abilities and that they are capable of solving their problems through your guidance (but not authoritarianism), thus enhancing their creativity .
It doesn’t have to follow in your footsteps: don’t miss this short
In this sense, as adults who influence children, we must be aware of the importance of preventing children from following in our footsteps and opening the way for them to follow their own .
To illustrate these words, you cannot miss this short film entitled: “A cloudy lesson”. It is not for children, it is rather a short film for adults to better understand everything that we have explained to you throughout this article.
It is a short created in 2010 under the direction of Yezi Xue. It’s not even two minutes long, but the lesson will last you a lifetime. It is a beautiful story that is inspired by the relationship between a grandfather and his grandson. Without words you will be able to understand everything that we have explained and what is better, put it into practice with your children, grandchildren, nephews… or any child around you that in some way you are an influential adult in their life.