Postpartum is the period between the birth of the baby and six weeks later. The normal thing is that everything goes well and we moms go home with our babies. But sometimes postpartum complications arise, and we must know how to interpret the signs to catch them in time. What are the most common problems?
Bleeding several days after giving birth is normal. But if you notice that the bleeding is very abundant, it may be that you are suffering from uterine atony . What does this mean? Basically, that the uterus does not contract again after delivery.
After childbirth, uterine contractions are called entuertos. Some women don’t notice anything. Others, on the other hand, suffer intense pain . They usually only last a few days.
Therefore, if you see that the pain does not subside in time or in intensity, you should go to your doctor because it may happen that you are suffering from endometritis, that is, inflammation of the endometrium . It is more common in caesarean sections.
Postpartum complications derived from infections
Having a few tenths of fever during the first hours is common. What is not normal is that the temperature is very high and does not drop after a day after delivery. In those cases, it may happen that you are suffering from an infection. Those related to the most frequent postpartum are the following:
- Kidney infection (Pyelonephritis): in addition to a high fever, you may feel pain in the lumbar area and itching when urinating.
- Cystitis : it is characterized by feeling pain or burning when urinating, but the difference with the previous one is that the infection affects the bladder. Another symptom is having to go to the bathroom frequently, most of the time without urinating.
- Endometritis : I have already talked about it a few lines above. His symptoms of her? In addition to pain in the area of the uterus, fatigue, tachycardia, swollen belly and fever.
- Thrombophlebitis : occurs when a thrombus causes inflammation of a vein. It causes fever, redness and pain in the area.
- Mastitis : it is more common than we think. I suffered from it, despite the fact that my son latched on well and nursed a lot. Still, I was not free from chest pain (he is hard and congested) and fever. The best way to cure it? Breastfeeding the baby, no matter how much he hurts you.
Postpartum depression
Sadness, discouragement, apathy, tiredness… All of this is normal during the puerperium. Although you should know that when these symptoms are prolonged they can be indicative of postpartum depression . In Spain it is estimated that one in 10 mothers suffer from it , with an average duration of six to eight weeks.
Although this situation is common, specific causes have not yet been established. However, there are some risk factors, such as having a history of depressive disorders in the family. Relationship problems or going through a stressful situation during pregnancy are other causes.
How is postpartum depression identified? Some easy-to-identify symptoms are: fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite, sadness, irritability, anxiety, disinterest in the baby, discouragement, and a general feeling of being overwhelmed.
If left untreated it can last for months, so it is essential to seek professional help as soon as possible.
Apart from the problems and diseases mentioned, other common postpartum complications are cardiovascular disease, sepsis, cardiomyopathy, stroke, hypertension, amniotic fluid embolism, or anesthesia complications.
Before concluding, it is important to remember which are the risk factors most related to postpartum complications. Which women should be more careful? Those who suffer from chronic diseases, heart disease, hypertension or obesity.