algerian boy names

“U” represents Accumulation. The U shows intelligence, clever and shrewd, capable of understanding a great deal, as well as being a collector and gatherer. U is lucky, and it never forgets an injury or a good deed done.

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Here on this page, we have compiled famous Algerian Baby Boy Names Starting With U, Choose the best name for your newborn from the following list of most beautiful Algerian Baby Boy Names Start With U. You might be interested in more baby names on our site.



Famous Algerian Baby Boy Names Starting With U

Ubaadah Old Arabic Name, Worship
Ubaadah Old Arabic name
Ubaadah Old Arabic name; Worship
Ubad Worshippers
Ubad Worshipers
Ubada Serves God
Ubadah Servant of God, Worship
Ubadah Worship
Ubadah Worship.
Ubadah Old Arabic name; Worship
Ubaed Faithful, Servant of God
Ubah One who is Wealthy
Ubai Little Dad; Father
Ubaid Faithful; Servant of Allah
Ubaid Faithful
Ubaid faithful
Ubaid Faithful
Ubaid Worshipper; Faithful
Ubaida Servant of God
Ubaida Servant of God
Ubaidah Servant of God
Ubaidah Servant of God
Ubaidah, Ubaydah Servant of God
Ubaidh Servant of Allah
Ubaidulla TBD
Ubaidullah Lowly Servant of the Allah
Ubaidullah Servant of Allah
Ubay Old Arabic Name
Ubay Old Arabic name
Ubay Old Arabic name
Ubayd Worshipper
Ubayd Worshipper
Ubayd Worshipper.
Ubayd Worshipper; Faithful
Ubayda Serves God; Servant of God
Ubaydah Servant of God
Ubaydah Servant of God
Ubaydah Servant of God
Ubaydullah Servant of Allah
Ubaydullah Servant of Allah
Ubaydullah Servant of Allah
Ubayy One with High Self Esteem
Ubayy One with high self esteem
Ubayy One with high self esteem
Ubayy One with high self esteem
Ubayyi TBD
Ubedulla TBD
Uboud The Worshipper of Allah
Ubyathulla Little Servant
Udai The Rising, To Rise
Udaif Compassionate
Udail Fair
Udail Old Arabic name
Udail Old Arabic name
????? , ?????  
Udail, Udayl Old Arabic name
Udaina Place of Everlasting Bliss
Uday Rising, To Rise, Appearance
Uday One who runs fast
Udayl To Rise; Appear; Appearance
Udayl Old Arabic name
Uddin Light
Ufair Brave; Courageous
Uftam Best; Most eminent
Ugdada TBD
Uhaan Brave; Slave of God
Uhaid Covenant, Promise
Uhaidah Promise
Uhban Ibn Aws Al-aslani RA
Uhdawi The One in Charge, Protector
Ujab Amazement; Wonder
Ujab Wonder
Ujaif First Creation
Ujala One who radiates the light; Bright
Ujef Life Path
Ukashah Spider Web; Cobweb
Ukashah Web; Cobweb; Spider web
Ukkashah Web; Cobweb; Spider Web
Uksem Oath
Ukthab TBD
Ula High Rank; Glory; Prestige
Ulaa High Rank; Prestige
Ulfat Familiarity; Love; Affection
Ulfat Love, Affection, Familiarity, Intimacy
Ulfat Love, Affection, Familiarity, Intimacy
Ulfath Friendship; Attachment
Uli Noble Leader
Ulkifl Ezekiel
Ulla To Rise / Shine
Ullah Peace
Ulmar Wolf Famous
Ulveen TBD
Ulween TBD
Ulyaa Loftiest; Utmost; Highest
Ulysses To Hate; Wrathful; To be Angry
Umaarah Old Arabic Name
Umaarah Old Arabic name
Umaarah Old Arabic name; Habitation
Umaez Bright
Umaid Leader; Gods Loving One
Umaijid Majestic, Glorious
Umair Long Live, The Intelligent One
Umair Intelligent.
Umair Intelligent
Umair Second Khalifah; Intelligent
Umairi Long-lived
Umais Affection; Love
Umaiz Bright
Umam Savoury; Leader; Wise
Umar Second Khalifah
Umar Name of the second Caliph
Umar flourishing; long-lived
Umar Second Khalifah; Intelligent
Umar, Omar Name of the second Caliph
Umara An Ancient Name
Umarah Old Arabic Name; Habitation
Umarah Old Arabic name
Umarah old Arabic name
Umarali TBD
Umare Prosperous; Flourishing; Populous
UmarFaruk TBD
Umarr Age
Umarul TBD
Umary Long Living Being
Umayr Old Arabic Name
Umayr Old Arabic name
Umayr Old Arabic name
Umayr Second Khalifah; Intelligent
Umayr, Umair Old Arabic name
Umayyah A Narrator of Hadith
Umayyah Famous Arabian tribe
Umayyah Famous Arabian tribe
Umdah Support
Umdah Support
Umdatuddawlah Support of the State
Umed Hope; Expectation
Umer Life; Name of the Second Caliph
Umer Life Name of the second Caliph
Umer Life name of the second caliph
Umid Hope; Expectation; Wish; Desire; Trust; Greed
Ummal TBD
Ummar Precious; Talented
Ummed Hope
Ummer Life
Ummi The Scholar of the Holy Quran
Ummiyy Unlettered
Umrah Minor Pilgrimage
Umrain Prosperity
Umraiz Prosperity
Umran Prosperity
Umran Prosperity.
Umran Thriving
Umran Prosperity
Umraz Name of Sahabi
Umris TBD
Unais Friendly, Extremely Beautiful
Unais Love Affection
Unais Love; Affection
Unal Fighter strong spirit
Unal Fighter; Strong spirit
Unays Form of Anas
Unays Smaller form of Anas
Unays Smaller form of Anas
Unays Love; Affection
Unish TBD
Unnat Energised; Prosperity
Uns Love
Unsar Root; Element; Resolution
Unsar Root; Element; Resolution
Uqaab Eagle
Uqaab Eagle
Uqba Companion of the Prophet Muhammad
Uqba Companion of the prophet Muhammad
Uqbah End of everything
Uqbah End of everything
Uqbah The end of everything
Uqessun TBD
Uraif Good scent
Uraif Good Scent
Urba City Dweller; Citizen
Urfan Iron Heart
Urfee Name of Popular Poet
Urfee Name of popular Poet.
Urfee Name of popular Poet
Urfee Name of a popular poet
Urhan Great Leader
Urmia A Biblical Prophet
Urmia A biblical prophet
Urooj Ascension; Rising; Mounting
Urooj Ascension, Mounting Rising.
Urooj Ascension, Mounting Rising
Uroosh Thrones; Ceilings
Urrab Fluent; Eloquent; Well-spoken
Urush Thrones; Ceilings
Urvakhsha Cheerful; Joyful
Urwah Hand-held, Support, Lion
Urwah Hand-held support
Urwah support
Urwah Support, handle
Urwah Hand held; Support
Urwatuwusqa Firm Grasp
Usaama Description of a Lion
Usaamah Description of a Lion
Usaamah Description of a lion
Usaamah Description of a lion
Usaf Star
Usaid Little Lion; Name of a Sahabi
Usaid small lion
Usaim Lion Cub, Refuge, Protector
Usaim lion cub
Usaim Lion cub
Usaim, Usaym lion cub
Usama Lion
Usama Lion, King of Jungle, Lovable
Usama lion
Usama Lion
Usama Lion
Usama, Usamah Description of a lion
Usamah Like a Lion; Description of a Lion
Usamah Description of a lion
Usamah Description of a lion
Usayd Little Lion
Usayd Little lion
Usayd Little lion
Usayd Little lion
Usaym Lion Cub
Ushan Sun Rise
Ushman God’s Closer Friend (Informer)
Ushmangani Forth Khalifa of Islam
Usmaan Servant of God
Usman Trust Worthy Friend
Usman Name of the third Caliph.
Usman Name of the third Caliph
Usman Trustworthy friend
Usmanah Baby snake
Usna TBD
Usnasulaimaan TBD
Usool Roots of a Plant, Trunks
Usraat Refuge
Ustad Master
Usuf Chosen by God; Prophet
Uswah Sample; Specimen
Uswah Sample; Specimen
Utaib Gentleness
Utaif Affectionate; Compassionate
Utaif Compassionate
Utaiq Generosity, Goodness, Virtue
Utaiq Goodness
Utbah Old Arabic Name; Threshold
Utbah Old Arabic name
Utbah Old Arabic name
Utbah Threshold
Uthal Name of a Mountain
Uthal Name of a mountain
Uthal Name of a mountain
Uthal Name of a mountain
Uthmaan The Young of a Lark
Uthman A Baby Bustard Bird
Uthman Name of the third Caliph
Uthman Young animal
Uthman Name of the third Khalifah
Uthmann Baby Bustard
Utt Wise; Kind
Utt wise and kind
Uvais TBD
Uvesh Joy of Love
Uwaim TBD
Uwain Helper; Supporter
Uwais Sage; Compensate; Gift
Uwais A companion of the prophet (Saw)
Uwaiz Restitution; Recompense
Uwayam A Float; Buoyant
Uwayam A float buoyant
Uwayam A float, buoyant
Uwayam Afloat; Buoyant
Uwaym A Float; Buoyant
Uwaymir Long-lived; Life
Uways Serious Earner
Uzaafar Lion
Uzaam Blessed
Uzaib Fresh, Sweet
Uzaib Fresh
Uzaif God will Add; Gift of God
Uzaifa TBD
Uzaim TBD
Uzain Beautiful Gift of God
Uzair Precious; The Biblical Ezra
Uzair Name of a Prophet
Uzair Name of a Prophet
Uzair Precious; Name of a prophet
Uzaiz Close Friend; Might; Power; Honour
Uzayr Precious
Uzayr Precious
Uzayr Precious
Uzayr Precious; Name of a prophet
Uzef God will Add
Uziafa TBD
Uziel Strength, Power
Uzima One Who Is Full Of Life
Uzma Greatest; Supreme
Uzmaan Servant of God
Uzman Trust Worthy Friend
Uzmir Greatest Ruler
Uzran Leader
Uzrat Virginity
Uzunu-Khayr Ears that Hear the Pious Words
Uzzam TBD
Uzzaman Servant of God