“S” represents Beginnings. The S shows strong feelings, is Attractive, and with an accessible attraction towards money and finances. It has a significant influence on love. S may be a little sensitive and calm. S brings new beginnings.
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Here on this page, we have compiled 646 American Baby Boy Names Starting With S. Choose the best name for your newborn from the following list of most popular 646 American Baby Boy Names Starting With S. You might be interested in more baby names on our site.
Famous American Baby Boy Names Start With S
Saad | Light, Good Luck, Lucky |
Saam | A Character in Shahnameh |
Saar | Storm |
Sab | Beautiful, Lion |
Saba | Born During the Morning Hours |
Sabastian | From Sebaste, Revered |
Sabra | Enduring, Patient |
Sady | TBD |
Saeed | Priestly, Happy, Fortunate |
Saeger | Seaman |
Saelig | From the happy meadow |
Saewald | Sea powerful |
Safford | From the Willow Ford |
Sagar | Sea, Ocean |
Sagar | Wise one |
Sage | Wise One, Healthy, Profound Wisdom |
Sage | Wise |
Sagi | TBD |
Sago | A Storyteller |
Sahir | Magician, Lord Shiva, Wakeful |
Said | Happy, Rivulet, Lucky, Happiness |
Saim | Fasting |
Saint | Kind, Patient, A Very Virtuous, |
Sako | Brave, Hunter |
Sala | Righteousness |
Salton | Lives near the willow farm |
Salvador | One who Saves, Saviour |
Salvador | Savior |
Salvatore | Saviour |
Sam | Heard by God |
Saman | Equal, Calming Song of Praise |
Samantha | Bordering, Heard the Call of God |
Samie | Sublime, Exalted, High, Praised |
Samir | Wind, Pleasant Companion |
Sammi | His Name is God |
Sammuel | Asked of God, God has Heard |
Sammy | Asked of God, Told by God |
Samuel | Heard by God |
Samuell | Asked of God, God has Heard |
Samy | God, Lama Rose, Cave, Intelligent |
San | Sun, Lord Shiva |
Sanaa | Work / Piece of Art |
Sanborn | Sandy Stream or River |
Sanborn | From the sandy brook |
Sanbourne | From the Sandy Brook |
Sande | Defender of Men |
Sander | Defender of mankind |
Sanderson | Alexander’s Son; Defender of … |
Sandon | From the sandy hill |
Sandy | Defender of Mankind |
Sanel | Satisfied |
Sanersone | Alexander’s Son |
Sanford | From the Sandy Ford, A Crossing |
Sanford | From the sandy ford |
Santana | A Blend of Santa and Anna |
Santiago | Saint James, Supplanter |
Santiago | Supplanter |
Santino | Little Saint, Holy, City in Texas |
Santo | Holy, Sacred, A Saint |
Santon | From the sandy town |
Sany | The Sandpiper Bird, A Flower Name |
Saquan | prefix Sa + Quan |
Sarah | Royal Child, The Arrow |
Saro | Good One |
Sasha | Defending Men; Man’s Defender; … |
Satch | Truthful |
Satchel | Maker of Sacks |
Sato | TBD |
Saturday | Born on Saturday |
Saul | Prayed for, Desired, Borrowed |
Saul | Asked of God |
Saunders | Alexander’s Son; Man’s Defender |
Savva | TBD |
Sawyer | Wood cutter |
Sawyere | Wood Cutter, Saws Wood |
Sawyere | Wood cutter |
Sawyers | Son of Sawyer |
Sax | From Saxonny, Swordsman |
Saxan | Swordsman, Germanic Tribe |
Saxan | Sword |
Saxon | Settlement of Saxons, Sword |
Saxon | Sword |
Saxton | Saxon town |
Sayat | TBD |
Saye | A Talkative Man |
Sayed | Leader |
Scandy | Boisterous |
Sceley | From the happy meadow |
Schultz | The Town’s Magistrate |
Schuyler | Scholar, Shelter, Shield |
Scoop | TBD |
Scoot | One who Discovers |
Scooter | One who Moves Quickly |
Scot | From Scotland, Form of Scott |
Scot | From Scotland |
Scott | Speaking, From Scotland |
Scott | From Scotland |
Scottas | From Scotland |
Scottie | From Scotland, A Gael |
Scottie | From Scotland |
Scotty | From Scotland |
Scout | One who Discovers |
Sea | Bright |
Seabert | Glory at Sea, Sea Bright |
Seabert | Glory at sea |
Seaburt | Glory at Sea |
Seadon | From the hill by the sea |
Seager | Seaman |
Seal | Sea Creature |
Sean | God is gracious |
Sean | Lord / God is Gracious / Merciful |
Seann | The Lord is Gracious |
Seaton | From the town by the sea |
Seaward | Sea Guardian |
Sebastain | Man from Sebasta |
Sebastian | Venerable, revered |
Sebastian | Man from Sebaste |
Sebastijan | TBD |
Sebastion | Man from Sebasta, Venerable |
Sebert | Glory at sea |
Sedge | Swordsman |
Sedrick | Chief |
Seely | Blessed |
Seely | Blessed, Fortunate |
Seeton | From the town by the sea |
Sefton | Village of rushes |
Segar | Sea Warrior, Seaman, Sea Fighter |
Seger | Sea warrior |
Seger | Sea Warrior, Seaman, Sea Fighter |
Selby | Village the manor house |
Selden | From the willow valley |
Seldon | From the willow valley |
Seleby | From the manor house |
Selig | Blessed |
Selig | Blessed, From the Happy Meadow |
Selvyn | Greek god of trees |
Selwin | Good friend |
Selwine | Good Friend |
Selwyn | Good friend |
Seng | TBD |
Senor | Lord |
Sep | TBD |
Sequoia | Tree |
Serek | Repeated of Births, Lordly |
Serg | TBD |
Serghei | TBD |
Sergio | Attendant |
Serj | TBD |
Seth | Appointed |
Seth | Appointed One, Placed, Dazzle |
Seton | From the farm by the sea |
Seton | From the Town Near the Sea |
Sev | Number Seven |
Seva | Service, Attendance, Care |
Seven | The Number 7 |
Severin | Austere / Grim, Severe |
Severin | Severe |
Severn | Severe |
Severne | Severe, Strict, Restrained |
Severne | Severe |
Sewald | Sea powerful |
Seward | Sea guardian |
Sewell | Sea powerful |
Seyi | TBD |
Seymore | From Saint Maur |
Seymour | Prayer, From the Saint-maur |
Seymour | Prayer |
Shaahin | Light, Near to God |
Shaan | Famous, Pride, Respected |
Shabazz | Protected by God, Respectful |
Shad | Short form of the biblical Shadrach |
Shad | Happy, Battle |
Shadd | Short form of the biblical Shadrach |
Shadd | TBD |
Shaddoc | Shad Fish |
Shadwell | From the shed spring |
Shadwell | shed by a well |
Shai | Present, Courteous, Gift |
Shain | Variant of Shaun |
Shakeel | Handsome, Good Looking, Comely |
Shaki | TBD |
Shale | A Mountain Rock |
Sham | Strong Person, Lord Krishna |
Shamier | Flint-like, The Shamir Stone |
Shams | Fragrance, With Faith, A Planet |
Shamus | Supplanter, He who Supplants |
Shan | Pride, Prestige, Famous |
Shandon | God is Gracious |
Shane | God is gracious |
Shane | The Lord is Gracious |
Shanette | Loving will to Give All |
Shannon | Little Old Wise One, Old, Ancient |
Shanon | Little Old Wise One |
Shaq | Handsome |
Shaquan | Truth in Life, Unclear |
Shaquile | Pretty, Handsome |
Shaquille | Good Looking, Handsome |
Sharif | Truthful, Honest, Noble |
Shark | TBD |
Sharon | A Fertile Plain, Princess |
Shasta | Name of a Native American Tribe |
Shaun | God Gave, The Lord is Gracious |
Shaune | God is Gracious |
Shaven | TBD |
Shavon | Shay + Vaughn |
Shaw | From the Shady Grove, A Grove |
Shaw | From the shady grove |
Shawn | God is gracious |
Shawn | The Lord is Gracious |
Shawnn | God is Gracious, Variant of John |
Shawnte | Place of Stones |
Shay | Present, Gift, Hawk-like, Eagle |
Shay | Supplanter |
Shayan | Intelligent, Worthy, Deserving |
Shayden | TBD |
Shayne | Beautiful, God is Gracious |
Shaz | Beautiful |
Shedrick | Aku’s Command; Variation of … |
Sheffield | From the crooked field |
Sheik | Chief of Islam |
Shelby | Village on the ledge |
Shelby | Sheltered, Settlement of Huts |
Shelden | Steep Valley |
Shelden | Farm on the ledge |
Sheldon | From the Hill on the Ledge |
Sheldon | Farm on the ledge |
Shell | A Story-teller |
Shelley | From the Ledge Meadow |
Shelly | From the Ledge Meadow |
Shelton | From the Town on a Ledge |
Shemar | Sharp Thorn |
Shenandoah | Stream |
Shepard | Shepherd |
Shepherd | Shepherd |
Shepherd | Shepherd, One who Heards Sheep |
Shequille | The Royal Princes |
Sheraan | TBD |
Sheridan | Wild |
Sheridan | Seeker’s Child; Wild Man; Untamed; … |
Sherlock | Blond |
Sherlock | Fair Haired or Blonde |
Sherman | One who Finishes Cloth, Sheerer |
Sherman | Shearman |
Sherman | one who shears sheep |
Shermon | Shear-man, Variant of Sherman |
Shermon | Shearman |
Sherod | Wild Man, Clearer of the Land |
Sherri | One who Brings Joy to Others |
Sherrick | One who has Already Left |
Sherril | Shire on a Hill |
Sherrill | Bright Hill |
Sherrod | Clearer of the Land |
Sherwin | Swift |
Sherwood | From the bright forest |
Sherwyn | Swift, Quick as the Wind |
Sherwyn | Swift |
Shevaughn | A Humorous Man |
Shevon | A Humorous Man |
Shia | Friend |
Shikoba | Little Feather |
Shimar | TBD |
Shion | Kingdom of God, Prayer Hall |
Shipley | From the Sheep Meadow |
Shipton | sheep village |
Shipton | The Dweller at the Sheep Farm |
Shipton | From the sheep town |
Shira | TBD |
Shirley | Sunny / Bright Meadow |
Shoaib | Prophet of Islam |
Shoe | Guard, Defend |
Shon | God is Gracious |
Shone | Yahweh is Merciful / Gracious |
Shonti | TBD |
Shony | Gold, Good Looking, Changing |
Shooter | One who Shoots with a Gun / Camera |
Shorn | TBD |
Shorty | A Man who is Small in Stature |
Shubhra | Radiant, Pure, Pure White |
Shuki | Quick-witted, Bright |
Shuman | Shoemaker |
Shun | Good-natured, Talented |
Shunda | Mire |
Shyaan | Intelligent, Wise |
Shyan | To be Praised |
Shyheim | TBD |
Shyla | One who is Brotherly |
Sib | Lucky, Kind, Also Spelt as Siv |
Sicily | From the Island |
Sid | From Saint Denis |
Siddell | From the Wide Valley |
Sidell | From the wide valley |
Sidi | TBD |
Sidik | Truthful, Powerful |
Sidnei | TBD |
Sidney | From St. Denis |
Sidney | From Saint Denis |
Sidwell | From the Broad Well |
Sifis | TBD |
Sifu | TBD |
Sigurjon | TBD |
Sik | TBD |
Sikki | TBD |
Sikyahonaw | Yellow Bear |
Sikyatavo | Yellow Rabbit |
Sila | TBD |
Silas | From the Forest or Woods, Three |
Silvester | Forest dweller |
Silvester | From the Woods, Forest Dweller |
Silvian | Man of the Woods |
Silvio | Wood, Silver, Wood Dweller |
Simeon | God is heard |
Simeon | Obeys, God has Listen |
Simmie | God has Heard, One who Hears |
Simmons | God has Heard, One who Hears |
Simon | God is heard |
Simon | Listening Intently |
Simos | TBD |
Sinclair | Prayer, Form of Synclair |
Sinclair | Prayer |
Sinclaire | Prayer |
Sinclaire | Prayer, St Clair |
Sinhak | Endearment Form of Sinh, Lion |
Sinjin | Holyman |
Sinjin | Holy-man, St John |
Siros | TBD |
Sirri | Beautiful Victory |
Sirwan | TBD |
Sith | Earth |
Skeat | Swift |
Skeet | Swift |
Skeet | Swift, Speedy |
Skeets | Quick – Darting |
Ski | Projectile |
Skip | Sea Captain, Form of Skipper |
Skipper | Ship Captain, Master, Ship-master |
Skipper | Captain |
Skippere | Captain |
Skippy | Ship Master |
Skipton | From the Sheep Estate |
Skot | Scotsman |
Skye | The Isle of Skye, Water Giver, Sky |
Skye | The isle of Skye |
Skylar | The isle of Skye |
Skylar | Scholar, Shield, Protection |
Skyler | The isle of Skye |
Skyler | Scholar, Shield, Protection |
Skylor | The isle of Skye |
Skyy | Water Giver |
Slade | Child of the Valley |
Slade | From the valley |
Slam | Nature |
Slaton | From the valley farm |
Slav | TBD |
Slave | Person of Fame |
Slayton | From the Valley Farm |
Slick | TBD |
Smiley | Laughing, Happy |
Smith | Tradesman, Blacksmith, Smile |
Smith | Tradesman |
Smoke | Smoke-colored |
Smokey | Resembling Smoke, a Smoky Haze |
Smyth | Tradesman, Blacksmith |
Smyth | Tradesman |
Smythe | Tradesman |
Smythe | Tradesman, Blacksmith |
Snyder | Tailor |
Sojin | TBD |
Sol | Peaceful, Prayed for |
Soldier | Warrior |
Solomon | Man of Peace, Peaceful |
Solomon | Peaceful |
Somar | Born in Summer |
Somerset | summer settlers |
Songaa | Strong |
Songan | Strong |
Sonic | Gold, Golden |
Sonnie | Son |
Sonnie | Son, A Nickname and Given Name |
Sonny | A Young Boy, Son |
Sonny | A young boy |
Sono | Elephant |
Sonu | Pure Gold, Morning, God Gift |
Sorab | Famous Persian Prince, Illustrious |
Soren | Austere, Severe, Grim, Stern |
Soren | Stern or strict |
Southern | From the South |
Southwell | south well |
Sowingwa | Black-tailed Deer |
Spanky | One who is Outspoken or Stubborn |
Spark | Gallant |
Sparke | Gallant |
Sparke | Gallant, The Lively One |
Sparky | Giving off Sparks |
Spear | Spear-man |
Sped | Success |
Speed | Success |
Speedy | Rapid, Quick, Successful |
Spelding | From the Split Meadow |
Spelman | TBD |
Spence | Dispenser |
Spence | Dispenser, Form of Spencer |
Spencer | Dispenser of Provisions |
Spenser | Dispenser, Provisioner |
Spenser | Dispenser |
Spere | Spear |
Spider | Resembling the Arachnid |
Sproul | Energetic |
Sproul | Energetic, Active |
Sproule | Energetic, Active |
Sproule | Energetic |
Sprowle | Energetic |
Spyder | Resembling the Arachnid |
Squier | Shieldbearer |
Squier | Shield Bearer |
Squire | Shieldbearer |
Squire | Shield Bearer; Knight’s Companion |
Stacey | Productive, Fertile, Resurrection |
Stacey | Productive |
Stacy | Productive |
Stafford | From the Landing Place Ford |
Stafford | From the landing ford |
Stamford | From the Stony Ford |
Stan | Lives by the Stony Meadow |
Stancil | beam |
Standish | From the Stony Park |
Stanfeld | From the Stony Field |
Stanfield | From the Stony Field |
Stanford | Stony Meadow, From the Stony Ford |
Stanford | Stony meadow |
Stanhop | From the Stony Hollow |
Stanhope | From the Stony Hollow |
Stanleigh | From the Rocky Meadow |
Stanley | Lives by the Stony Meadow |
Stanly | Lives by the Stony Meadow |
Stanmore | stony lake |
Stanton | Stony Meadow |
Stantun | From the Stony Farm |
Stanway | Lives by the Stony Road |
Stanweg | Lives by the stony road |
Stanwic | From the Stony Village |
Stanwick | From the stony village |
Stanwick | Dweller at the Rocky Village |
Stanwik | From the stony village |
Stanwyk | From the stony village |
Star | Truthful, Inspiring |
Starbuck | Star deer |
Starbuck | Star Deer, Astronaut |
Starlin | Bird |
Steadman | Farmstead Occupant |
Stearn | Austere |
Steathford | From the landing ford |
Stedeman | Owner of the Farmstead |
Stedman | Owner of the farmstead |
Steele | Hard or durable |
Steele | Hard, Durable |
Stef | A Short Form of Stephen |
Stefan | Crowned or crown of laurels |
Stefan | Wreath, Similar to |
Stefen | Wreath, Crowned |
Steffon | Crowned, Crown, Wreath |
Stefford | Crown or wreath |
Stefford | Crown, Wreath |
Stefin | TBD |
Stefon | Crowned or crown of laurels |
Stefon | Crown, Wreath |
Stelio | Like a Star |
Stephan | Crowned One, Garland, Wreath |
Stephen | To wear a crown |
Stephen | Man with Crown, To Wear a Crown |
Stephenson | Wreath, Crowned |
Stephin | Crowned |
Stephon | Crown or wreath |
Stephon | Crown, Wreath |
Stergios | TBD |
Sterlin | Valuable, Silver Penny |
Sterling | Of high quality or pure |
Sterling | Of High Quality, Pure, Genuine |
Sterne | austere |
Sterne | Austere, Stern, Unbending |
Stetson | Cowboy |
Stev | Bright Son |
Stevan | Crown or wreath |
Stevan | Wreath, Crowned |
Steve | Crown or wreath |
Steven | Crown or wreath |
Steven | Wreath, Crowned |
Stevenson | Crown or wreath |
Stevie | Person with Crown, Wreath |
Stevin | Crowned |
Stevon | Crown or wreath |
Stevon | Crown, Wreath, Variant of Stephen |
Stevyn | Crown or wreath |
Stevyn | Variant of Stephen Crown, Wreath |
Stew | House Guard |
Stewan | TBD |
Steward | Steward |
Steward | Steward, Bailiff |
Stewart | Steward |
Stewart | Steward, Bailiff, Surname |
Stewert | Steward |
Stewert | Steward, Bailiff |
Stiles | Stairs |
Stiles | From the Stile |
Stirling | Of high quality or pure |
Stirling | Of High Quality, Pure, Genuine |
Stiv | TBD |
Stoc | From the Tree Stump |
Stock | From the tree stump |
Stockley | From the tree stump meadow |
Stockwell | From the tree stump spring |
Stoddard | horse keeper |
Stone | Stone |
Stoney | Stone |
Stoney | Stone, Based on the Word Stone |
Storm | Tempestuous |
Storme | Tempestuous |
Storme | Tempest |
Stormy | Impetuous Nature, Tempest, Storm |
Strong | Powerful |
Stroud | From the thicket |
Stu | Form of Stuart |
Stuart | Steward |
Studs | rounded nail heads |
Styles | Stairs |
Styles | Steep Ascent, Stairs |
Sullivan | Eyes Like a Hawk, Surname |
Sully | Dark eyes |
Summer | Season |
Sumner | Summoner |
Sumner | Church Officer |
Sumo | TBD |
Sundown | Born at Dusk |
Suneil | Deep Dark Blue |
Sut | TBD |
Sutciyf | From the South Cliff |
Sutcliff | From the south cliff |
Suthclif | From the south cliff |
Suthfeld | From the South Field |
Suttecliff | From the south cliff |
Sutter | TBD |
Sutton | From the south farm |
Sutton | The Town to the South |
Suzi | TBD |
Sven | Lad, Youth, The Master |
Swan | TBD |
Swannee | swan |
Sway | Gold |
Swinton | From the Swine Farm |
Swintun | From the Swine Farm |
Syd | Variant of Sidney |
Syd | From St. Denys |
Sydney | Wide meadow |
Sydney | From a Large Island, Wide Meadow |
Sylvan | Woods, Of the Forest, Wood Dweller |
Sylver | Silver-haired, Silver |
Sylvester | Forest dweller |
Sylvester | Forest Dweller, Wooded, A Forest |
Symon | Hear or listen |