“E” represents Strength. The E shows Entertaining, independence, Skillful, intellectual, and imagination. If you’re looking for American baby girl names that start with E, then you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll list some of the most popular choices, as well as give you some tips on choosing the perfect name for your little one.
Choose your desire category below for American names.
Here on this page, we have compiled 653 American Baby Girl Names Starting With E. Choose the best name for your newborn from the following list of most popular 653 American Baby Girl Names Starting With E.
Top 10 Baby Names Starting With E
Looking for a baby name that starts with the letter “E”? Check out our top 10 baby names starting with “E”!
1. Ella
2. Emmalee
3. Eleanor
4. Emilie
5. Ellenor
6. Emilie Grace
7. Emery
8. Emmy Lou
9. Ella Marie
10. Ember
The Meaning of Baby Names Ending With E
The name Emma has many meanings, the most popular of which is “mother.” Other meanings include “love” and “hope.” One of the most popular Emma-based baby names is Emma Stone.
Some other popular names that end with E include Elizabeth, Emily, Emilie, Evelyn, Eleanor, Eliza, Evanna, Emmalee, Elisha, Elyse and Eva. The name Everett was ranked #8 in the 2000 U.S. Baby Name Survey.
Baby Names That start with E and End in -ing
- Looking for baby names that start with the letter E and end in -ing? Here are some heartwarming American baby girl names that fit the bill!
- Eleanor: A regal name that is popular among English speakers, Eleanor is perfect for a princess-in-the-making.
- Erin: This Irish name means “erry” or “bright.” Erin is perfect for a sunny young lady.
- Emmalyn: This Welsh name means “thoroughly lovely.” Emmalyn is perfect for a beautiful young lady who is confident and content.
- Elise: This French name means “beautiful star.” Elise is perfect for a star-bright little girl.
- Emma: Emma has been around since the 12th century and is one of the most popular female names in the world. Emma is practical and down to earth, making her a great choice for any family.
- Emerald: Emerald has always been associated with wealth and royalty, making it an ideal name for a high-achieving little girl.
- Emmaline: This French name means “thinly veiled.” Emmalyn is perfect for a beautiful young lady who desires privacy.
Baby Names that Start with E but End in another Letter
Looking for names that start with E but end in another letter? Here are a few!
Unique Baby Names that start with E
There are plenty of unique baby girl names that start with the letter E.
Some popular choices include Echo, Eden, and Élan.
Try out some of these unique names on your next baby registry!
Pretty American Baby Girl Names Starting With E
Eara | From the East |
Earlena | Noblewoman |
Earlena | Noble Woman, Shield |
Earlene | Noblewoman |
Earlene | Noble Woman, Leader, Princess |
Earlina | Noblewoman |
Earlina | Noble Woman, Shield |
Earline | Noblewoman |
Earline | Noble Woman |
Earna | Sincere |
Earna | Sincere, Eagle |
Earnestine | Earnest, Serious |
Eartha | Earthy, Born of the Earth |
Eartha | Earthy |
Easter | Born at Easter |
Easton | The Christian Spring Festival |
Eastre | Born at Easter |
Eazaid | Fifth Night, Fifteenth |
Ebann | A Pretty Woman |
Ebanne | A Pretty Woman |
Ebany | Ebony, Deeply Black Wood |
Ebba | Flowing tide |
Ebba | Flowing Tide, Life |
Ebban | A Pretty Woman |
Ebbann | A Pretty Woman |
Ebbanne | A Pretty Woman |
Eberley | Boar Meadow |
Ebone | Ebony |
Ebonee | Black, A Hard Wood |
Eboney | Deep Black Wood |
Eboni | Ebony Wood, Black |
Ebonie | Black Coloured Wood |
Ebonne | Ebony |
Ebony | a dark wood, black |
Ebony | Black |
Ebony | Ebony Wood, Dark Beauty |
Ebonye | Ebony |
Echoe | Reflected Sound |
Eda | Wealthy |
Eda | Wealthy Guardian, Wealthy, Happy |
Edanna | Eda Plus Anna |
Eddie | Rich Guard, Pleasure, Enjoyment |
Eddy | Pleasure, Enjoyment |
Ede | Wealthy |
Edee | Rich gift |
Edee | Rich Gift, Spoils of War |
Edeline | Gracious or kind |
Edelyn | TBD |
Eden | Delight |
Eden | Delightful, Adornment, Paradise |
Edesa | Name of Macedonian Town |
Edie | Rich gift |
Edie | Rich Gift, Prosperity, Battle |
Edina | Ardent |
Edina | Ardent, Wealthy |
Edith | Prosperous in war |
Edivania | TBD |
Edlina | Noble |
Edmanda | Prosperous protector |
Edmonda | Prosperous protector |
Edmonda | Wealthy Defender |
Edmunda | Prosperous protector |
Edmunda | Wealthy Defender |
Edna | Little Seed, Kernel |
Edra | Powerful |
Edra | Powerful, Wealthy |
Edrea | Powerful |
Edrea | Powerful, Wealthy, Prosperous |
Edrei | A Woman of Great Strength |
Edrina | TBD |
Eduarda | Wealthy guardian |
Edwina | Wealthy Companion, Rich Friend |
Edwina | Prosperous friend |
Edwinna | Prosperous Friend |
Edyn | Delight, Paradise |
Edyth | Prosperous in war |
Edyth | Prosperous in War, Joyous |
Edytha | Prosperous in War, Spoils of War |
Edytha | Prosperous in war |
Edythe | Prosperous in War, Form of Edith |
Edythe | Prosperous in war |
Edzel | One who is Plain |
Eema | Universal, All-containing |
Effie | Well spoken |
Effie | Star, Melodious Talk |
Eftyhia | TBD |
Egan | A Wholesome Woman |
Egann | A Wholesome Woman |
Egen | A Wholesome Woman |
Egon | A Wholesome Woman |
Egun | A Wholesome Woman |
Egypt | Unknown |
Egzanth | A Yellow-haired Woman |
Egzantha | A Yellow-haired Woman |
Egzanthe | A Yellow-haired Woman |
Egzanthea | A Yellow-haired Woman |
Egzanthia | A Yellow-haired Woman |
Egzanthiya | A Yellow-haired Woman |
Egzanthya | A Yellow-haired Woman |
Eileen | Torch of Light, Light, Beauty |
Eileen | Light |
Eileine | The Juniper Tree, Bird, Hazelnut |
Eimy | Universal, Entire, Industrious |
Einat | Eye |
Einav | Love, Hope, Prosperity |
Eireland | From Ireland |
Eirene | Goddess of Peace, Spring |
Eisa | Snow |
Eisha | Pleasure, Desire, Pious |
Eithel | Honourable, Noble |
Eiwa | TBD |
Eiza | Dear One, Noble |
Ekoiah | The Great Equaliser |
Ekowya | The Great Equaliser |
Ekowyah | The Great Equaliser |
Ekstacea | Filled with Extreme Happiness |
Ekstacee | Filled with Extreme Happiness |
Ekstacey | Filled with Extreme Happiness |
Ekstaci | Filled with Extreme Happiness |
Ekstacie | Filled with Extreme Happiness |
Ekstasy | Filled with Extreme Happiness |
Elaina | Shining Light, Light |
Elaine | Mother of Lancelot |
Elaine | Light |
Elainia | Light, Torch |
Elan | Friendly, Shining, Brightness |
Elana | Announce, Light, Torch |
Elanie | Oak Tree, Shining One, God |
Elanor | Sun-star, Shining One, Bright One |
Elasia | Devoted to God, Similar to Elissa |
Elayn | Fawn |
Elberta | Noble or glorious |
Elberta | Noble, Glorious, Highborn, Shining |
Elberte | Noble or glorious |
Elberte | Noble, Glorious |
Elbertina | Noble or glorious |
Elbertina | Noble, Glorious |
Elbertine | Noble or glorious |
Elbertine | Noble, Glorious |
Elbertyna | Noble or glorious |
Elbertyna | Noble, Glorious |
Elda | Battle, Wise or Prudent Adviser |
Eldora | Golden, Blond, Gift of the Sun |
Eldrida | wise counselor |
Eldrin | Old and Wise Adviser |
Ele | Mercy, God is My Light |
Eleacea | One who is Forthright |
Eleacee | One who is Forthright |
Eleacey | One who is Forthright |
Eleaci | One who is Forthright |
Eleacy | One who is Forthright |
Eleane | Hazelnut, The Juniper Tree, Bird |
Eleanor | Sympathy, Compassion, Light |
Eleanor | Light |
Eleanora | Light, Form of Eleanor, Sun-ray |
Eleanore | Light, Foreign, Torch |
Elecia | God is Salvation, Honourable |
Elegea | A Lasting Beauty |
Elegee | A Lasting Beauty |
Elegey | A Lasting Beauty |
Elegi | A Lasting Beauty |
Elegie | A Lasting Beauty |
Elegy | A Lasting Beauty |
Elei | Smart Woman, Brightness, Ornament |
Eleisha | Honourable, Noble |
Elena | Light, Sun Ray, Shining |
Elena | Light |
Elene | Name of a Poem, Variant of Helen |
Elenora | Light, Bright One |
Eleny | Shining One, Bright One, Bright |
Eleonora | Shining Light, Light, Sun |
Elettra | Amber, Shining, Brilliant |
Elfie | Good Elf, Elf, Power |
Elfie | Good elf |
Elfreda | Peaceful ruler |
Elfrida | Peaceful Ruler, Good Counsellor |
Elfrida | Peaceful ruler |
Elfrieda | Peaceful Ruler, Good Counsellor |
Elfrieda | Peaceful ruler |
Eliana | My God has Answered Me |
Elianna | God has Answered |
Elida | Cute, Little, From Elide Valley |
Elida | Winged |
Elinda | Letter E Plus Linda |
Elinor | Light, Shining Light |
Elinor | Light |
Elisa | God is my oath |
Elisa | God is My Oath; God’s Promise; … |
Elisabeth | God is My Oath, The Oath |
Elisabetha | God is My Oath, God is Perfection |
Elisangela | TBD |
Elise | God is my oath |
Elise | Promise of God, God is My Oath |
Elisha | My God is Salvation |
Elissa | God is my oath |
Elissa | God is My Oath, Noble, Nobility |
Elita | Chosen |
Eliva | Loving |
Elivina | Good elf |
Eliz | Consecrated to God |
Eliza | God is my oath |
Elizabel | God is Perfection, God is My Oath |
Elizabet | God’s Promise; God is My Oath; My … |
Elizabeta | God is My Oath, God is Perfection |
Elizabeth | God is my oath |
Ella | Foreign |
Ella | Sympathy, Compassion, Light |
Ellah | True, Entire, Little Cinders |
Elle | Feminin |
Elle | Feminine, Bright One |
Elleah | Old, Entire, Gothic |
Elleanor | God, Bright / Shining One |
Ellecia | God is my oath |
Ellee | Light |
Ellen | Sun Ray, Shining, Form of Eleanor |
Ellen | Light |
Ellena | Light |
Ellena | Light, Most Beautiful Woman |
Ellene | Light |
Ellene | Light, Most Beautiful Woman |
Ellerie | Cheerful, From the Alder Grove |
Ellesse | God is my oath |
Ellia | Light |
Elliana | Sun, Light |
Ellice | God is my oath |
Ellice | Jehovah is God |
Ellie | Sympathy, Compassion, Light |
Ellie | Light |
Elliott | Jehovah is God |
Ellisa | The Lord is My God, Peaceful Ruler |
Ellisha | God is my oath |
Ellisha | God is My Salvation |
Ellison | Son of Elder |
Ellison | Son of Elder, Greek Form of Elijah |
Elly | Light |
Ellyana | TBD |
Ellyce | God is my oath |
Ellyn | Light, Torch |
Ellynne | Shining / Bright One |
Ellysa | Pledge to God |
Ellyshi | Pledge to God |
Elma | Will, Desire, Helmet |
Elmira | Noble |
Elmira | Noble, Aristocratic Lady |
Elmyra | Noble |
Elmyra | Noble, Aristocratic Lady |
Elna | Torch, Light, Bright, Sun Ray |
Elnora | Light |
Elnora | Light, Variant of Eleanor, Foreign |
Elodia | White Blossom, Marshy |
Elodie | Marshy, White Blossom |
Elois | Renowned in Battle, Famous Warrior |
Eloisa | Famous Warrior |
Eloise | Healthy, Wide, Famous in War |
Eloo | A Woman Full of Grace |
Elora | God is Light |
Elouise | Hale, Healthy, Wide |
Elsa | Noble |
Elsa | Snow and Ice; God’s Promise; God … |
Elsha | Pledge from God, Noble |
Elsie | Promise of God, Form of Elizabeth |
Elsina | TBD |
Elske | TBD |
Elspeth | God is my oath |
Elspeth | God of Plenty, Form of Elizabeth |
Eltan | A Spontaneous Woman |
Elten | A Spontaneous Woman |
Elthia | Healer |
Eltin | A Spontaneous Woman |
Elton | A Spontaneous Woman |
Eltun | A Spontaneous Woman |
Eltyn | A Spontaneous Woman |
Elue | A Woman Full of Grace |
Elva | Elfin |
Elva | Elf, Good Counsellor, Fair, Power |
Elvena | Elfin |
Elvena | Elfin, Good Elf |
Elvera | Truth, White, Elfin |
Elvia | Elfin, Good Elf, Noble Guardian |
Elvia | elfin |
Elvie | Elfin, Good Elf, Noble Friend |
Elvie | Elfin |
Elvin | Elfin |
Elvina | Elfin |
Elvina | Friend of the Elves |
Elvine | Elfin |
Elvine | Noble Friend, Good Elf |
Elvinia | Elfin |
Elvira | True to All, White, Blond |
Elvyne | Elfin |
Elvyne | Elfin, Good Elf |
Elyanna | Sun |
Elyce | The Lord is My God |
Elyna | Pure, Light, Elegant, Graceful |
Elynn | Light, Most Beautiful Woman |
Elynn | Light |
Elyse | Noble; Blissful; God’s Promise; … |
Elysee | Noble, Ornament, Blissful |
Elyssa | My God is an Oath |
Elyta | Winged |
Elyza | My God is Bountiful |
Elzina | prefix El + Zina |
Ema | Serious, Embracing Everything |
Emalea | Work, Rivalling, Imitating |
Emalee | Industrious, Striving |
Emaleigh | Rivalling, Imitating |
Emali | Imitating, Rivalling |
Emana | Believer, Faith, Proud |
Emazaid | The Explorer Power |
Ember | To Burn, Burned Coal |
Ember | To burn |
Emberlen | As Precious as a Beautiful Jewel |
Emberlenn | As Precious as a Beautiful Jewel |
Emberlenne | As Precious as a Beautiful Jewel |
Emberlin | As Precious as a Beautiful Jewel |
Emberline | As Precious as a Beautiful Jewel |
Emberlinn | As Precious as a Beautiful Jewel |
Emberlinne | As Precious as a Beautiful Jewel |
Emberly | Ember |
Emberlyn | As Precious as a Beautiful Jewel |
Emberlyne | As Precious as a Beautiful Jewel |
Emberlynn | As Precious as a Beautiful Jewel |
Emberlynne | As Precious as a Beautiful Jewel |
Emelee | Imitating, Rivalling |
Emelia | Rival, Laborious, Industrious |
Emelita | Rivalling, Work, Imitating |
Emelly | Rivalling, Imitating |
Emely | Rivalling, Imitating |
Emerald | Precious Green Gem Stone |
Emerald | Bright green |
Emerson | Home Power |
Emery | Home Power |
Emese | Flatterer, Industrious |
Emielou | Rivalling, Imitating, Work |
Emila | Rivalling, Imitating |
Emilce | TBD |
Emilea | Imitating, Rivalling |
Emilee | Industrious, Striving, Rival |
Emileigh | God’s Gift; Bringer of Hope |
Emiley | Imitating, Rivalling |
Emilia | Industrious |
Emilia | Competitor, Rival, Industrious |
Emilie | Rival, Ambitious, Industrious |
Emilina | Industrious |
Emilinda | One who is Happy – Beautiful |
Emillie | Imitating, Rivalling |
Emilly | Industrious, Competitor |
Emilou | Work, Imitating, Rivalling |
Emily | Competitor, Industrious |
Emily | Industrious |
Emilyn | TBD |
Emilynda | One who is Happy – Beautiful |
Emita | TBD |
Emm | Imitating, Universal, Whole |
Emma | Industrious |
Emma | Industrious, All-containing |
Emmajean | Imitating, Universal, Whole |
EmmaLea | Imitating, Work, Rivalling |
Emmalee | Industrious, Striving, Rival |
Emmalei | Imitating, Work, Rivalling |
Emmaleigh | Rivalling, Imitating |
Emmali | Imitating, Rivalling, Work |
Emmalia | Rivalling, Imitating, Work |
Emmalie | Work, Imitating, Rivalling |
Emmaliese | Work, Rivalling, Imitating |
Emmalou | Imitating, Rivalling, Work |
Emmaly | Rivalling, Imitating |
Emmalyse | Work, Rivalling, Imitating |
Emmanouela | God with us |
Emmelyn | Universal, Whole, Immense |
Emmie | Whole, Entire, Universal, Rival |
Emmielou | Rivalling, Imitating, Work |
Emmilinda | One who is Happy – Beautiful |
Emmilou | Imitating, Work, Rivalling |
Emmilynda | One who is Happy – Beautiful |
Emmly | Admiring |
Emmy | Entire, Universal, Rival, Eager |
Emmylinda | One who is Happy – Beautiful |
Emmylou | Whole, Complete |
Emogene | Daughter, Innocent, Maiden |
Emslie | A Gift from God |
Emuila | Lord of the Power, Worship of God |
Emuille | Happy |
Emulie | Happy, Worship of Lord |
Emylinda | One who is Happy – Beautiful |
Emylou | Imitating, Rivalling, Work |
Emylynda | One who is Happy – Beautiful |
Ena | The Zodiac Sign of Capricorn |
Endea | A Magical Woman |
Endeah | A Magical Woman |
Endee | A Magical Woman |
Endey | A Magical Woman |
Endi | A Magical Woman |
Endia | A Magical Woman |
Endiah | A Magical Woman |
Endie | A Magical Woman |
Endy | A Magical Woman |
Engelina | Messenger of God, Angel |
Engracia | Graceful, Good will |
Enid | Spirit |
Enid | Spirit, Soul, Quiet Woman, Pure |
Eniola | Wealthy, A Person of Wealth |
Enisha | Pretty |
Enit | Fair, Purity, Soul |
Enola | Alone Spelled Backwards, Solitary |
Enslea | An Emotional Woman |
Enslee | An Emotional Woman |
Ensleigh | An Emotional Woman |
Ensley | An Emotional Woman |
Ensli | An Emotional Woman |
Enslie | An Emotional Woman |
Ensly | An Emotional Woman |
Entela | TBD |
Envy | TBD |
Enyd | Spirit |
Enyd | Spirit, Soul, Fair, Life |
Epatha | TBD |
Epiphany | Manifestation |
Eponine | Eponym |
Equille | The Princess Maid |
Equoia | The Great Equaliser |
Equoiah | The Great Equaliser |
Equowyah | The Great Equaliser |
Era | Breeze, Long Period of Time, Wind |
Erane | TBD |
Ereka | Lone Ruler, Ever Ruling |
Erfan | Iron Heart |
Erianne | Ireland |
Erica | Ruling Forever, Always Ruler |
Erica | Eternal ruler |
Ericca | Lone Ruler, Ever Ruling |
Ericka | Ever Ruler, Honourable Ruler |
Erika | Ruling Forever, Ever-powerful |
Erin | Ireland |
Erin | From Ireland |
Erina | Beautiful Lady, From Ireland |
Eriola | TBD |
Erleen | Noblewoman |
Erleen | Noble Woman |
Erlene | Noblewoman |
Erlene | Elfin, Noble Woman |
Erlina | Elfin, Noble Woman |
Erlynn | Pledge |
Erma | Universal, Whole, Form of Irma |
Ermalinda | Immense, Universal, Ermine, Whole |
Ermione | Dedicated to Hermes |
Erna | Sincere |
Erna | Sincere, Earnest, Eagle, Serious |
Ernestina | Sincere, Earnest, Serious |
Ernestine | Sincere |
Ernestine | Sincere, Serious, Earnest |
Errica | Lone Ruler, Ever Ruling, Island |
Ersi | TBD |
Ertha | Earth, Worldly |
Ertha | Earthy |
Erwina | Friend of the Sea, Sea Friend |
Erwina | Friend of the sea |
Erwyna | Friend of the Sea |
Erykah | Ever Ruler, Honourable Ruler |
Eryn | Peace, Poetic Name for Ireland |
Esabella | TBD |
Esdae | A Warm – Caring Woman |
Esdai | A Warm – Caring Woman |
Esday | A Warm – Caring Woman |
Esdaye | A Warm – Caring Woman |
Esdea | A Warm – Caring Woman |
Esdee | A Warm – Caring Woman |
Esdelle | One who is Plain |
Esdey | A Warm – Caring Woman |
Esdi | A Warm – Caring Woman |
Esdie | A Warm – Caring Woman |
Esdy | A Warm – Caring Woman |
Esmeralda | Emerald |
Esosa | Blessing of God, Gift of God |
Esperance | Hope |
Esperanza | Hopeful, Hope |
Essdey | A Warm – Caring Woman |
Essence | Perfume, Scent, Aura, Nature |
Essie | Like a Star, Myrtle Leaf |
Essra | Happiness |
Esta | Star, Myrtle Leaf, From the East |
Estar | Star |
Estefani | Garland, Crowned |
Estefania | Woman with Crown, Garland, Crowned |
Estefany | Crown, Garland |
Estela | Star |
Estelita | Star |
Estell | Star, Form of Estelle |
Estella | Star, Form of Estelle |
Estelle | Like a Star, Myrtle Leaf |
Ester | Star-like, Star |
Esther | Star, Myrtle Leaf, Like a Star |
Esther | Star |
Estrella | Like a Star, Form of Estelle, Love |
Estrellita | Star |
Etania | Wealthy |
Etenea | The Wealthy |
Etenia | Rich, Wealthy |
Eteniah | The Wealthy |
Eteniya | The Wealthy |
Eteniyah | The Wealthy |
Eternity | Forever, Everlasting |
Ethel | Graceful, Righteous |
Ethel | Noble |
Etheleen | Honourable, Noble |
Ethelene | Noble Serpent |
Ethelyn | Graceful and Noble Woman |
Ethelyne | Noble, Honourable |
Ethyl | Noble, Honourable |
Etta | House Owner, Pearl |
Etta | Ruler of the home |
Ettie | Ruler of the Home, Star |
Ettie | Ruler of the home |
Etty | Ruler of the Home, Star |
Etty | Ruler of the home |
Eudora | Gift without Limits |
Eula | Sweet-spoken, Gem of the Sea |
Eulalia | Eloquent, Well-spoken |
Euland | A Fair Woman |
Eulanda | A Fair Woman |
Eulande | A Fair Woman |
Eulandea | A Fair Woman |
Eulandia | A Fair Woman |
Eunice | Good Victory, Victorious |
Euvenia | A Hardworking Woman |
Eva | Living and Breathing, Life |
Eva | Life |
Eva-Marie | TBD |
Evalee | Alive, The Juniper Tree |
Evaleen | Life, Hazelnut, Animal |
Evaleen | Hazelnut |
Evaleigh | The Juniper Tree, Alive |
Evalina | Hazelnut |
Evalina | Hazelnut, Life, Desired |
Evaline | Hazelnut |
Evalouisa | A Famous Giver of Life |
Evalouise | A Famous Giver of Life |
Evaluise | A Famous Giver of Life |
Evalyn | Hazelnut |
Evalyn | Hazelnut, Life, Little Eve |
Evalynn | Hazelnut, The Juniper Tree, Bird |
Evanee | Young warrior |
Evangelina | Brings Good News |
Evangeline | Bringer of Good News |
Evania | Bringer of good news |
Evania | Young Fighter, Young Warrior |
Evanna | Young fighter |
Evanna | Gracious Gift of God |
Evannah | TBD |
Evanne | Good Fortune |
Evans | TBD |
Eve | Life |
Eve | To Breath, To Live, Good News |
Evea | Alive, The Juniper Tree |
Evelin | Hazelnut |
Evelin | Hazelnut, Life, Desired, Bird |
Evelina | Hazelnut |
Evelina | Hazelnut, Light, Desired |
Eveline | Hazelnut |
Eveline | Hazelnut, Life, Light, Life Giver |
Evelyn | Hazelnut |
Evelyn | Hazelnut, Little Bird, Desired |
Evelyne | Hazelnut |
Evelyne | Hazelnut, Life, Desired, Beauty |
Evelynn | Hazelnut |
Evelynn | Hazelnut, Life, Form of Evelyn |
Evelynne | Hazelnut |
Evelynne | Hazelnut, Life, Form of Evelyn |
Evenea | A Hardworking Woman |
Eveneah | A Hardworking Woman |
Eveniah | A Hardworking Woman |
Eveniya | A Hardworking Woman |
Everleigh | Boar Meadow |
Everlena | TBD |
Evette | Life; Yew Wood; Archer’s Wood; … |
Evian | Spa |
Evie | Life, Alive, Living, Form of Eve |
Evilyn | Hazelnut, The Juniper Tree, Bird |
Evin | Young warrior |
Evita | Life, Spanish Form of Eve |
Evlynn | Hazelnut, The Juniper Tree, Bird |
Evlynne | Hazelnut, The Juniper Tree, Bird |
Evon | Yew, Archer, Yew Wood |
Evonne | Archer, Yew Wood, Life |
Evyn | Alive, The Juniper Tree |
Eyana | Affection, Princess |
Eyde | Rich in War |
Eyota | Great |
Eyotah | The Greatest |
Eyote | One who is Great |
Eyotee | One who is Great |
Eyotey | One who is Great |
Eyoti | One who is Great |
Eyotie | One who is Great |
Eyotta | The Greatest |
Eyottah | The Greatest |
Eyoty | One who is Great |
Eyra | Snow |
Ezelle | TBD |
Ezra | Humble, Salvation, Helper |
Ezri | Helper |
Ezzie | God is My Strength / Help |